Trailer Calculations

The final operation that Sterling Gentran:Server® will execute when processing the extended rule is to calculate the line value total and VAT. You want the system to perform these calculations:

  • Set the number of total segments (TLR NSTL element) equal to the count of STL segments.
  • Set the total extended amount (TLR EVLT element) equal to the lines total amount (TLR LVLT element).
  • Set the total amount (TLR ASDT element) equal to the lines total amount (TLR LVLT element).
  • Set the total amount payable (TLR TPSI element) equal to the sum of the lines total amount (TLR LVLT element) and the total VAT amount payable (TLR TVAT element).

To calculate the line value total and VAT, on the next line in the Editor list box, enter the following statement:

#NSTL = stllimit;