Manage IMS Groups reference

The Manage IMS Groups interface lists the existing IMS groups that can function in the IMS Administration Tool environment.

Table 1. Command reference for Manage IMS Groups
Option Description

C (Create)

Create (define) a new IMS group.

Opens the Define a Group panel.

S (Sort)

Sort the group list display.

Opens the Sort Columns panel.

You can specify the sequence order (values: 1-3) for each field to be sorted and the sort orders for each field (A-Ascending or D-Descending).

Group Filter

Limits the displayed group list according to the characters and wildcards specified as filter criteria.

For example:

imsgrp01, imsgrp*, *

D (Delete)

Delete a previously created IMS group.

Opens the Delete Group Confirmation panel.

M (Model)

Create (define) a new IMS group based on (modeled after) the attributes of the selected IMS group.

Opens the Define a Group panel and indicates the need to enter a name for the new IMS group that is being created from the model IMS group.

U (Update)

Modify (update) the attributes of the selected IMS group.

Opens the Define a Group panel and shows the existing attributes of the IMS group.

You can now add or remove attributes to change the IMS group definition.

V (View)

Display (view) the attributes of the selected IMS group.

No changes to IMS group attributes can be made in this view.

Table 2. IMS Group List
Option Description


Name of the IMS group.


Type of the IMS group.
IMS data sharing group
IMS command group


IMS systems in the group.