OMServer Custom Resource manifest

The following .yaml file is a schema with all the parameters and default values supported by OMServer CR.
kind: OMServer
  name: ""
  name: ""
  # upgradeStrategy:"" 
  replicaCount: 1
  # podLabels: {}
  # podAnnotations: {}
  # profile: balanced
  # property:
    # customerOverrides: ""
    # envVars: ""
    # jvmArgs: ""
  # image:
    # name: ""
    # variant: ""
  # appServer:
    # serverName: DefaultAppServer
    # dataSource:
      # minPoolSize: 10
      # maxPoolSize: 50
    # threads:
      # min: 20
      # max: 100
    # libertyServerXml: default-server-xml
    # livenessCheckBeginAfterSeconds: 900
    # livenessFailRestartAfterMinutes: 10
    # terminationGracePeriodSeconds: 60
    # ingress:
      # contextRoots: [smcfs, sbc, sma, isccs, wsc, adminCenter]
      # customDomains:
      # - host: ""
        # className: ""
        # annotations: ""
        # labels: ""
        # ssl:
          # enabled: ""
          # identitySecretName: ""
      # annotations: {}
      # labels: {}
    # service:
      # annotations: {}
      # labels: {}
    # vendor: websphere
    # vendorFile:
  # agentServer:
    # names: []
    # allowTermination
      # schedule
    # readinessFailRestartAfterMinutes: 10
    # terminationGracePeriodSeconds: 60
  # integration:
    # names: []
    # allowTermination
      # schedule
    # readinessFailRestartAfterMinutes: 10 
    # terminationGracePeriodSeconds: 60
  # affinityAndTolerations: ""
  # horizontalPodAutoscaler: HPA1
Note: The commented parameters are optional for creating OMServer.

For more information about OMServer CR configured with sample values, see OMServer Custom Resource sample manifest.