Updating custom extensions in containerized developer toolkit environment

You can update custom extensions in a containerized developer toolkit environment.


  1. Optional: Extract the runtime from the Docker container to the host machine by running the following command:
    ./om-compose.sh extract-rt
  2. Develop your customizations using the extracted runtime. For more information, see the relevant topics under Developing customizations.

    Ensure that you follow the folder structure provided by the devtoolkit_extensions.xml for your customizations. For more information about the folder structure, see Importing custom extensions into the developer toolkit environment.

  3. Build your customization package.

    After you complete the customizations, build your customization package as an InstallService-able JAR by using the devtoolkit_extensions.xml file.

    From the extracted runtime/bin directory, run the following command after you complete developing your customizations in this runtime directory:
    bash ./sci_ant.sh -f ../devtoolkit/devtoolkit_extensions.xml export

    The customization package is exported as extensions.jar in the parent directory of your runtime directory.
    Review the generated extensions.jar to make sure that it has all the extensions that you have developed.

  4. Update your existing developer toolkit environment with the generated extensions.jar by running the following command:
    ./om-compose.sh update-extn <full_path_to_extensions.jar>
    This command applies the customizations to your developer toolkit environment, rebuilds, and redeploys your applications.

    By default, the Application Server container is removed and a new one is created.