Setting up Order Service for the developer toolkit environment

You can deploy Order Service along with Sterling Order Management System Software applications by setting the ORDERSERVICE_ENABLE property to Y in before you deploy the developer toolkit environment.

If you set up a containerized developer toolkit environment for Sterling Order Management System Software applications before you deploy Order Service, you can set it up later as well. To deploy Order Service, use the following setup upgrade command on om-compose script:
./ setup-upg

For more information about the setup properties, see Table 2 and Table 3 of Overriding the default Docker Compose properties.

For general use cases, you need not override or change the default developer toolkit properties of Order Service. This is because the property configurations in Order Service already assumes value that suites most common use cases. For advanced usage, create a copy of the devtoolkit_docker/compose-orderservice/docker/configuration/ file. Then, rename the file as devtoolkit_docker/compose-orderservice/docker/configuration/ And, uncomment, set the value, or change the default value to override the existing values as needed. After you set the properties, run the setup upgrade command on the orderservice-compose script to initiate the Order Service deployment with the updated behavior. Run the following setup upgrade command on orderservice-compose script from the devtoolkit_docker/compose-orderservice directory:
./ setup-upg

For more information on Order Service properties, see Setting up Order Service. For more information about Order Service APIs, see Using Order Service.

By default, the Order Service authentication is disabled. For more information on enabling the authentication, see Setting up JWT authentication for developer toolkit.

The Sterling Order Management System Software has built-in integration with the Order Service, which makes data sync quick and easy. For more information on built-in integration, see Configuring built-in integration with Order Service. For more information on customizing the Sterling search index template, see Customizing the Sterling search index.

The built-in integration with Order Service integrates Sterling Order Management System Software with the Order Search and Order Archival components of Order Service. It becomes a critical subsystem in Sterling Order Management System Software when the indexing, search, and archive capabilities are enabled in Sterling Order Management System Software. For more information on enabling the built-in integration and enabling the save and archive capabilities in Sterling Order Management System Software, see Enabling Sterling Order Management System Software to Connect to Order Service.

The yfs property of osi.order.service.url in Sterling Order Management System Software specifies the Order Service URL, is already set in the developer toolkit instance. Therefore, you do not need to set it.

To complete the integration with Order Service, start the SSI_DELAYED_SYNC agent (defined under the General process type). This agent is responsible for ensuring the order data, created, modified, or deleted in Sterling Order Management System Software are synced accurately to Order Service. For more information on SSI delayed sync, see SSI delayed sync agent.

Sample data provided in the developer toolkit

Here is the sample data for reference.
  • The devtoolkit_docker/compose-orderservice/sample/configuration/createSearchIndex.graphql and devtoolkit_docker/compose-orderservice/sample/configuration/createSearchIndex-order.json files contains the sample query for the createSearchIndex API.
  • The devtoolkit_docker/compose-orderservice/sample/extension/oms/order_summary_extensions.xml file contains sample data for order summary extensions.

Exception and troubleshooting

You can deploy Order Service along with Sterling Order Management System Software applications by setting the ORDERSERVICE_ENABLE property to Y in before you deploy the developer toolkit environment.

Sometimes, the Order Service deployment can be unsuccessful. In such a case, you might receive the following message:

Pulling elasticsearch ( 
Head "": net/http: TLS handshake timeout

To resolve the issue, run the ./ setup-upg command to set up only Order Service from within the devtoolkit_docker/compose-orderservice directory.