Loading the custom images to OpenShift Container Platform

You can load the generated custom images to a Docker registry for deployment. OpenShift® Container Platform provides a built in docker registry that can be used to push the images into the cluster.


To load the custom images to OpenShift Container Platform, complete the following steps:

  1. Log in to the private Docker image registry by running the following command:
    buildah login <rhocp_docker_registry>
  2. Load the custom images by completing the following steps:
    1. buildah tag om-app:<tagname> <rhocp_docker_registry>/<namespace>/om-app:<tagname> && buildah tag om-agent:<tagname> <rhocp_docker_registry>/<namespace>/om-agent:<tagname>

      For example, if you use <tagname> when building the pro-10.0.0-custom1 image, run the following command:
      buildah tag om-app:pro-10.0.0-custom1 <rhocp_docker_registry>/default/om-app:pro-10.0.0-custom1

    2. Push the custom image into the private registry by running the following command:
      buildah push <rhocp_docker_registry>/<namespace>/om-app:<tagname> && buildah push <rhocp_docker_registry>/<namespace>/om-agent:<tagname>

      For example, to load the custom images to OpenShift Container Platform, run the following command:
      buildah push <rhocp_docker_registry>/default/pro-10.0.0-custom1

  3. Optional: Verify that the Docker images are loaded to OpenShift Container Platform by completing the following steps:
    1. Log on to Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform web console as an OpenShift Container Platform administrator by providing valid credentials, and click Log In.

      Ensure that Cluster Console is selected in the application launcher menu.

    2. From the left navigation pane, click Builds > Image Streams.

      You can view all the images that are pushed to a particular NAMESPACE.

    3. To verify that the custom images are loaded with the correct tag name, click the image name. In the Tags pane, you can view all the tag names for the selected image.
  4. While installing or updating of the Sterling Order Management System Software Helm chart in OpenShift Container Platform, ensure to use the new image with the new tag name.