Additional build process

You can create an additional build process that starts from the images built by using the generated images.

For more information about generated images, see generated images.

The following use cases explains this process:

Operating system packages
You can install additional operating system packages by using the Package Manager that is present in the image, which is different for different images.
  • For om-agent image, the Package Manager is microdnf.
  • For om-app and om-base images, the Package Manager is dnf.
Establishing two-way SSL connection
You can add trusted certificates for establishing two-way SSL connection with external services.

To add trusted certificates to a trust store of JRE or JDK, run the following command:
keytool -importcert -noprompt -file <certificate file> -storepass changeit -storetype JKS -keystore <trust store> -alias <unique alias>

  • For Agent servers, the trust store is located at: /opt/ssfs/runtime/jdk/jre/lib/security/cacerts
  • For Application servers, the trust store is located at: /opt/ibm/java/jre/lib/security/cacerts
Sample Dockerfile

Dockerfile is the first step to containerizing an application. The following Dockerfile samples illustrate how to buildup your image starting from the generated images.

  • Sample Dockerfile for om-app
    FROM om-app:10.0
    USER root
    RUN dnf install -y procps-ng ..... \
        && keytool .....
    USER default
  • Sample Dockerfile for om-agent
    FROM om-agent:10.0
    USER root
    RUN microdnf install procps-ng ..... \
        && keytool .....
    USER omsuser