Registering EMC storage devices

For EMC storage, the storage agent use the SYMAPI commands to interact with the EMC Solution Enabler software to manage the EMC storage devices. You can use the SYMAPI commands (for example, symcfg list) to determine the 12-digit serial number and the IP address of the storage device.

To add the storage agents in the GDR solution, complete the following steps in the KSYS LPAR:

  1. Add the storage agent (for example, name: Site1_storage1, user name: abc, password: 123, serial number: 000196800508, IP address: 10.xx.yy.zz) to the active site by running the following command:
    ksysmgr add storage_agent Site1_storage1 login=abc password=123 site=Site1 
    serialnumber=000196800508 storagetype=emc ip=10.xx.yy.zz
  2. Add the storage agent (for example, name: Site2_storage1, user name: abc, password: 123, serial number: 000196800573, IP address: 10.xx.yy.zz) to the backup site by running the following command:
    ksysmgr add storage_agent Site1_storage1 login=abc password=123 site=Site2 
    serialnumber=000196800573 storagetype=emc ip=10.xx.yy.zz
  3. Repeat Step 1 and Step 2 for all storage arrays that you want to add to the KSYS. For example, if a site contains two storage arrays, you must add two storage agents to the KSYS.
  4. Optional: Verify the storage agents that you added by running the following command:
    ksysmgr query storage_agent
    An output that is similar to the following example is displayed:
    Name:            Site2_storage1
    Serialnumber:    196800573
    Storagetype:     EMC
    Site:            Site2
    Ip:              10.xx.yy.zz
    Login:           abc
    Name:            Site1_storage1
    Serialnumber:    196800508
    Storagetype:     EMC
    Site:            Site1
    Ip:              10.xx.yy.zz
    Login:           abc