Changing the install order for custom jars

To change the install order for custom jars, you must copy the dynamicclasspath.cfg file outside the Docker container, make the changes, and then copy the file into the container.

To change the install order for custom jars, complete the following steps:
  1. Copy the dynamicclasspath.cfg outside the Docker container by running the following command:
    docker cp <container_id>:/ibm/b2bi/install/properties/dynamicclasspath.cfg <destination_directory>
  2. Re-order the custom jars in the dynamicclasspath.cfg as required.
  3. Copy the updated dynamicclasspath.cfg file inside the container by running the following command:
    docker cp <filepath for updated file> <container_id>:/ibm/b2bi/install/properties/dynamicclasspath.cfg