IBM Tivoli OMEGAMON XE for Messaging, Version 7.0

InstallShield Wizard installation

Use the following steps to install and initialize agents of OMEGAMON® XE for Messaging with the InstallShield Wizard.

  1. Log on to Windows® system using a user ID with Administrator authority.
  2. Close any running applications.
  3. Insert the IBM® Tivoli® OMEGAMON XE for Messaging CD-ROM into your CD-ROM drive. Installation begins automatically. If the InstallShield Wizard does not start automatically, use My Computer to open your CD-ROM drive and run the setup.exe file. If the setup.exe file still fails to run, you do not have enough disk space to decompress the setup files. Clear some disk space before starting the installation process again.

    The InstallShield wizard window displays a message welcoming you to the setup process. This window also contains information about what IBM Tivoli products you currently have installed and the name and version of the product contained on the installation CD.

    If you are running Windows 2003 or Windows XP system and have security set to check the software publisher of applications, you might receive an error stating that the setup.exe file is from an unknown publisher. Click Run to disregard this error message and continue with the installation process.
  4. Click Next on the Welcome window.
    If you already have the OMEGAMON XE for Messaging agent or application support files installed on this computer, select Modify on the Welcome window to indicate that you are updating an existing installation, and then click Next. Then skip to Step 8.
  5. The Prerequisites window, containing information about prerequisite software that must be installed before continuing with the OMEGAMON XE for Messaging installation is displayed. The prerequisites tested for are the IBM Global Security Toolkit and IBM Java™ Virtual Machine (JVM). The version number of each of these products already installed on the host system is displayed, along with the number of the version required by IBM Tivoli OMEGAMON XE for Messaging. If the Current Version field is empty, then either the version number of the installed product could not be obtained, or the product was not detected on the host system. If the version number of either of the installed products is less than stated in the Required Version field, the required version of the prerequisite software will be installed automatically. In the Choose common installation drive for both field, enter the drive on which to install the software, then click Next to proceed with the installation process.
  6. If the version number of prerequisite software is less than the required version, the required version is installed automatically. Once installation of the prerequisite software is complete, you will be automatically returned to the OMEGAMON XE for Messaging InstallShield Wizard.
  7. License agreement information is displayed. If you accept the terms of the license agreement, click Accept to continue, otherwise click Decline to stop the installation process. You muse accept the terms of the license agreement to install OMEGAMON XE for Messaging.
  8. The Select Features window is displayed. Select the features that you want to install from the list provided by clicking the check box next to the features' name. To view more detailed information about a particular feature, click the feature name. Information about the feature is displayed in the Description panel next to the list of features. When you have selected all the features that you want to install, click Next to continue.
    If you are updating an existing installation (you selected Modify on the Welcome window), the Add or Remove Features window is displayed. All check boxes on this window reflect your choices during the initial installation. Clearing a check box has the effect of removing the component. Clear a box only if you want to remove a component.
  9. The Agent Deployment window is displayed. Select the agents that you want to configure for remote deployment and click Next to continue. An agent can only be deployed on a remote host if it has been configured for remote deployment during installation.
  10. The Start Copying Files window, summarizing the components that you have selected to install, is displayed. Click Next to begin installing the listed components.
  11. A message is displayed stating that you will not be able to cancel the installation or upgrade after this point. Click Yes to continue. Files are now copied to your computer. This might take several minutes.
  12. The Setup Type window is displayed. Select Configure agents default connection to TEMS and click Next.
  13. On the Configuration Defaults for Connecting to a TEMS window:
    1. Select Connection must pass through firewall if the agent must cross a firewall to access the Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server.
    2. Select Address Translation Used if the firewall shielding the Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server uses address translation.
    3. Select one or more protocols to be used when connecting to the Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server and click Next. You can select up to three protocols. The protocol specified in the Protocol 1 field will be used by default. If connection to the Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server using this protocol fails, the protocol specified in the Protocol 2 field will be used, and if connection still fails, the protocol specified in the Protocol 3 field is used. Available protocols are IP.PIPE, IP.SPIPE, SNA and IP.UDP.
    4. Refer to the fields in Table 9 to define the communications between the agents and the Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server.
  14. The InstallShield Wizard Complete window is displayed. Select the Display the README file option if you want to review the readme file after installation is complete and click Finish to exit the installation wizard. Installation is now complete.

Installing OMEGAMON for Messaging agents is now completed. Go back to Installation roadmap to continue with other installation tasks.

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