Files for XML stage examples

The files includes schemas and data files that are used in the example jobs that illustrate how to use steps to create assemblies for the XML stage.

You use these files when you create the example jobs that use the XML stage. For each example, the finished job is available. You can either follow the step-by-step instructions to build each example, or import the complete job and explore it on your own.

To download the examples files, go to
Table 1. Example files
Example Files
Example 1: Parsing XML data departments.xml (input file), Employee.xsd (schema), Organization.xsd (schema), xml_parser_example.dsx (job), employee.txt (output file), address.txt (output file)
Example 2: Using the XML Composer and Regroup steps departments.xml (input file), Employee.xsd (schema), Organization.xsd (schema), employee.txt (input file), address.txt (input file), xml_composer_example.dsx (job), employee_output.xml, (output file)
Example 3: Using the XML Composer and HJoin steps departments.xml (input file), Employee.xsd (schema), Organization.xsd (schema), employee.txt (input file), address.txt (input file), xml_hjoin_example.dsx (job), employee_output_xml (output file)
Example 4: using the XML Parser and Switch steps employee1.xml (input file), employee2.xml (input file), Employee.xsd (schema), Organization.xsd (schema), xml_switch_example.dsx (job), valid_emp.txt (output file), InValid_emp.txt (output file)
Example 5: using the XML Parser and Union steps employee1.xml (input file), employee2.xml (input file), Employee.xsd (schema), Organization.xsd (schema), Employee1.xsd (union_schemas\schema1), Organization1.xsd (union_schemas\schema1),Employee2.xsd (union_schemas\schema2), Organization2.xsd (union_schemas\schema2),xml_union_example.dsx (job), employees_output.xml (output file)
Example 6: Using the XML Composer and H-Pivot steps address.txt (input file), Employee.xsd (schema), Organization.xsd (schema), xml_hpivot_example.dsx (job), address_output.xml (output file)
Example 7: Using the XML Parser and Aggregate steps departments.xml (input file), employee.xsd (schema), organization.xsd (schema), xml_aggregate_example.dsx (job), employees_output.txt (output file)
Example 8: Using the XML Composer and Sort steps departments.xml (input file), employee.xsd (schema), organization.xsd (schema), xml_sort_example.dsx (job), employees_output.xml (output file)
Example 9: Using the XML Composer and OrderJoin steps address.xml (input file), employee.xml (input file), employee1.xsd (schmema), organization1.xsd (schema), xml_orderjoin_example.dsx (job), employees_output.xml (output file)
Example 10: Using the XML Parser and V-Pivot steps departments.xml (input file), employee.xsd (schema), organization.xsd (schema), xml_vpivot_example.dsx (job), employees_output.txt (output file)