Db2 containerized deployments

IBM® offers a number of Db2-based solutions for small to enterprise size container environments.

Single container deployments

In a single container deployment, the database software and all of its component parts reside within one container. The container sits on one system and resources are shared by all the containerized components. An example of a single container deployment would be the Db2 Community Edition for Docker. This version is intended for non-production use.

Container micro-service deployments

In a micro-service configuration, each component is separated into services, which run in one or more containers. These containers are deployed on worker nodes, which are managed by one or more master nodes. These master nodes ensure that all of the component parts work as one orchestrated system.

One of the advantages of separating containerized services is that it improves fault isolation, as applications can remain largely unaffected by the failure of a single micro-service. The configuration is also easier to deploy, as provisioning, scaling, and redundancy are managed automatically by the master nodes.

Db2 for Red Hat® OpenShift® and Kubernetes and IBM Cloud Pak for Data are examples of Db2 products designed for containerized micro-service deployments.