Source conversion utility (scu)

The source conversion utility, scu, is a stand-alone Linux® program that assists in the conversion of COBOL source programs from non-IBM® or free-format source formats to a format that can be compiled by COBOL for Linux.

Scu performs the following transformations:
  • Converts white space characters to true spaces, including tab expansion, with optional controls
  • Normalizes line-end characters
  • Repositions items to start in the proper areas, such as the indicator area, Area A, or Area B, as required
  • Ensures special alignment for CBL (PROCESS) statements
  • Optionally blanks sequence numbers in columns 1 through 6, and removes serial numbers in columns 73 through 80
  • Converts anomalous fixed-source-format input by default, and optionally converts free-format input
It also makes the following syntax and semantic fixes:
  • Adds missing spaces around quoted literals
  • Adjusts the OCCURS clause to level 02 if it is at level 01
  • Converts non-floating point literals to floating constant notations
  • Fixes extra and misplaced periods
  • Converts SET statements to MOVE when required by data types
  • Converts "<>" to "NOT ="
  • Replaces VALUES with VALUE
  • Moves level 01 to Area A
  • Scu converts SET statements to MOVE only for the following data types:
    • COMP, COMP-4, or BINARY
    • COMP-5
    • NATIONAL (non-literal)
  • Scu might incorrectly convert the SET statement to MOVE if the statement spans two or more lines.
  • Scu replaces VALUES with VALUE only when VALUES is followed by a literal on the same line.
  • Scu converts non-floating point literals to floating constant notations only when the literals and VALUE (or VALUES) are on the same line.
  • Scu ignores the REPLACE statement and the REPLACING phrase of the COPY statement.
  • For more information about Area A and Area B, see Reference format.
  • Usually scu does initial transformation changes, and then fixes syntax and semantic errors (the -N option and copybooks are exceptions). However, if scu detects severe problems during transformation, such as non-COBOL standard special line, scu will generate error messages and skip the syntax and semantic phase. The -N option and copybook exceptions:
    • When -N is specified, scu does only the initial transformation changes.
    • Syntax and semantic errors in copybooks are fixed when these errors are fixed for the main source file with the -G option specified. For more information about processing copybooks with scu, see Scu and copybooks.

The output file contains compatible COBOL code that includes all fixes that scu can provide. If you do not specify the -o option for an output file name, the default output file is filename.scu.cbl, where filename is the original file name without the suffix. For example, the output file name for the source abc.def.cob is abc.def.scu.cbl.

scu issues return codes that indicate a success or failure of program conversion. See the return codes and corresponding explanations in the following table:

Table 1. Scu return codes
Return code Explanation
0 To indicate that scu runs successfully.
1 - 4 Reserved for future use to indicate success.
5 To indicate a general failure.
6 To indicate a failure to open a copy file.
Attention: Scu converts source programs to a format that can be compiled with COBOL for Linux, but scu might not identify or fix all incompatibilities that exist in the code. IBM does not guarantee that the changes made by scu are error-free, or that the changes compile and run as you expect. You must verify the results that are produced by scu and make sure that the changes meet your expectations. You might also need to further modify the code that scu attempted to correct.