Upgrading IBM Business Automation Workflow Runtime

If you installed Business Automation Workflow Runtime V21.0.1.x or V20.0.3.x (or Business Automation Workflow on containers V20.0.0.1.x) and you want to continue to use your applications in the latest version, you can upgrade your applications.

Before you begin

  • Back up your databases.
  • In 21.0.2, if your deployment platform is OpenShift Container Platform (OCP) or Red Hat OpenShift Kubernetes Service (ROKS), Elasticsearch is included in the Foundation pattern instead of being embedded in Process Federation Server. If you have federated saved searches stored in the Elasticsearch index from 21.0.1, you must migrate the saved searches by following the procedure described in Migrating Process Federation Server containers from 21.0.1 to 21.0.2 before upgrading.
    Important: If you do not migrate your saved searches before upgrading Business Automation Workflow, all your saved searches will be lost.
    For 21.0.1 Elasticsearch is always embedded in Process Federation Server.
  • If you have federated saved searches stored in the Elasticsearch index from Business Automation Workflow on containers, you must migrate your saved searches from Elasticsearch 6 to Elasticsearch 7 by following the procedure described in Migrating saved searches from Elasticsearch 6 to Elasticsearch 7 before the Business Automation Workflow on containers upgrade.
    Important: If you do not migrate your saved searches before upgrading Business Automation Workflow, all your saved searches will be lost.
  • Create a full backup of volumes and configuration files that can help you roll back your upgrade if needed.
The custom resource YAML file includes several mandatory configuration parameters. Depending on the version of your custom resource file, you must add these mandatory parameters to the file, or provide specific values for parameters that previously used the default value.


To upgrade from the previous release to the current release:

  1. Get the custom resource YAML file that you used to install Business Automation Workflow and update it for the new deployment.
    1. Change the metadata.labels.release parameter value to the new version, for example, 21.0.2.
    2. Change the appVersion parameter value in the spec section to the new version.
    3. Compare the new custom resource template under descriptors/patterns (for example, template ibm_cp4a_cr_enterprise_FC_workflow.yaml) with the custom resource template that you used to install. Change the image.tag parameter values in all sections to the new version. Where required, add mandatory parameters to the file and provide specific values for parameters that previously used the default value.

      If your environment does not support dynamic provisioning and you have pfs_configuration.logs.storage.use_dynamic_provisioning set to false, you must create a persistent volume (PV) and persistent volume claim (PVC) for Process Federation Server. Follow the instructions in the step about creating the Process Federation Server PV and PVC in Preparing storage. Then, update the pfs_configuration.logs.storage.existing_pvc_name parameter in the custom resource to add the PVC name.

    4. In 21.0.2, if the deployment platform is OpenShift Container Platform (OCP) or Red Hat OpenShift Kubernetes Service (ROKS), Elasticsearch is included in the Automation Foundation pattern instead of being embedded in Process Federation Server. If you previously used the embedded Elasticsearch, you must remove the entire elasticsearch_configuration section.
    5. In 21.0.2, updates were made to ensure a consistent hostname for all components.
      • For Workflow Server configuration, an example of a hostname update might be a change from baw.test1.9.x.x.x.nip.io to baw-test1.9.x.x.x.nip.io. If you want to keep the hostname that you defined in a previous release, add the hostname attribute under the baw_configuration section. For example:
             hostname: "baw.test1.9.x.x.x.nip.io"
      • For Process Federation Server configuration, an example of a hostname update might be a change from pfs.test1.9.x.x.x.nip.io to pfs-test1.9.x.x.x.nip.io. If you want to keep the hostname that you defined in a previous release, add the hostname attribute under the pfs_configuration section. For example:
                hostname: "pfs.test1.9.x.x.x.nip.io"
    6. Check the upgrade instructions for prerequisite capabilities in case upgrading them requires additional actions.
  2. Apply the updated custom resource YAML file as described in Applying the upgraded custom resource.
  3. To verify the upgrade, see Verifying IBM Business Automation Workflow Runtime.