Enabling a cloud connection to Amazon S3

You can use the management GUI or command-line interface to enable a cloud connection to Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3).

To enable a cloud connection between the system and Amazon S3 in the management GUI, complete these steps:
  1. In the management GUI, select Settings > System > Transparent Cloud Tiering.
  2. Click Enable Cloud Connection.
  3. On the Welcome page, click Next. If encryption is not activated or configured on the system, several warnings display. Encryption cannot be configured later after the cloud account is created.
  4. If a DNS server is not configured on the system, enter the IP address and name of the server that converts the host name of the cloud service provider to IP addresses for the system. You can configure up to two DNS servers for cloud accounts. Click Next.
  5. On the Cloud Service Provider page, select Amazon S3.
  6. Expand Amazon S3 account and enter the following information:
    Access key ID
    The public part of the access key credential for the Amazon user that the system uses to access the cloud storage.
    Secret access key

    Enter the private part of the Amazon credential that the system uses to authenticate the system to cloud storage.

    Enter the Amazon region that is used to both access and store data on cloud storage.
    Bucket prefix
    Enter the prefix for the Amazon S3 bucket names that the system will use or create. Prefixes can also be used to identify multiple systems that use the same cloud account to store snapshots of volume data. If you want to import or export snapshots between systems, use the same bucket prefix as the other system.
    If encryption is configured on the system, this value is preselected. If encryption is not enabled on the system, this option is unavailable.
    Determine how bandwidth is used for downloads to and uploads from the cloud service provider. Specify No Limit to allow the connection to use unlimited bandwidth, regardless of other operations that occur on the system. If you do not want to give unlimited bandwidth to these operations, you can specify the maximum amount of bandwidth that the connection can use for either downloads or uploads.
  7. Click Next.
  8. On the Summary page, verify all the settings and click Finish.
To enable a cloud connection between the system and Amazon S3 in the command-line interface, complete this step:
  1. Enter the following command:
    mkcloudaccountawss3 -name name -bucketprefix bucket_prefix -accesskeyid access_key_ID 
    -secretaccesskey secret_access -certificate path_to_certificate -region region