Italy national ID data masking policy - National ID (IT)

The national identification number for Italy is the Fiscal Code. The National ID (IT) data masking policy generates a valid Fiscal Code number based on the source data. When the Fiscal Code number is masked, the part containing the name is copied from the source and the other parts are masked. The result is always the same for different runs of the same source data.

The general format of the Italy Fiscal Code number is FFF-NNN-YYMDD-RRRRC, where:
  • FFF is the encoded family name string
  • NNN is the encoded first name string, YY is the year of birth
  • M is an alphabet representing the month of birth
  • DD is the day of birth
  • RRRR is the region code
  • C is the control character calculated from the first 15 characters

Supported data types

The Italian Fiscal Code data masking policy can be applied to columns of one of the following data types:

Table 1. Supported data types for National ID (IT) data masking policy
SQLType Extended Length Scale Nullable Note
Char   16 or longer N/A Yes or No Cannot contain null characters. The length must be enough to contain the national ID with the selected separator.
Char Unicode 16 or longer N/A Yes or No Cannot contain null characters. The length must be enough to contain the national ID with the selected separator.
NChar   16 or longer N/A Yes or No Cannot contain null characters. The length must be enough to contain the national ID with the selected separator.
VarChar   16 or longer N/A Yes or No Cannot contain null characters. The length must be enough to contain the national ID with the selected separator.
VarChar Unicode 16 or longer N/A Yes or No Cannot contain null characters. The length must be enough to contain the national ID with the selected separator.
NVarChar   16 or longer N/A Yes or No Cannot contain null characters. The length must be enough to contain the national ID with the selected separator.

Masking policy options

Use one of the following options to specify the output format of masked data:
Keep source format
To use the input format as the output format. This is the default option.
No separator
No separators are used in the output format.
To use the dash as a separator.
To use the space as a separator.


The following examples show what the masked data might look like after the masking policy is applied with specific formatting options selected. In these examples, the original value is ABCDEF12E34F567G.
Table 2. Data masking examples for National ID (IT) data masking policy
Separator Example of masked data
No separators EFGHAB34D12H789I
Dash EFG-HAB-34D12-H789I
Space EFG HAB 34D12 H789I