Timestamp type

Describes the Timestamp type properties. Timestamp type has properties such as Byte order, Character Set, Data Format, Default, and Format string.

  • Byte order. Specifies how multiple byte data types are ordered. Choose from:
    • little-endian. The high byte is on the right.
    • big-endian. The high byte is on the left.
    • native-endian. As defined by the native format of the machine.
  • Character Set. Choose from ASCII or EBCDIC.
  • Data Format. Specifies the data representation format of a column. Choose from:
    • binary
    • text

      For timestamp, binary specifies that the first integer contains a Julian day count for the date portion of the timestamp and the second integer specifies the time portion of the timestamp as the number of seconds from midnight. A binary timestamp specifies that two 32-but integers are written. Text specifies a text-based timestamp in the form %yyyy-%mm-%dd %hh:%nn:%ss or in the default date format if you have defined a new one on an NLS system.

  • Default. The default value for a column. This is used for data written by a Generate stage. It also supplies the value to substitute for a column that causes an error (whether written or read).
  • Format string. Specifies the format of a column representing a timestamp as a string. Defaults to %yyyy-%mm-%dd %hh:%nn:%ss. The format combines the format for date strings and time strings. See Date formats and Time formats.