

Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagramIFSTAT STACK=ALL STACK= stack_name SYSNAME= local_system SYSNAME=systemALL DOMAIN= local_domain DOMAIN=ALLdomain_id

Purpose of Command

You can use the IFSTAT command to view information about TCP/IP stack interfaces. This information can be viewed from a 3270 console or from the Tivoli® NetView® for z/OS® Enterprise Management Agent.

Note: This command is intended as a REXX interface. For graphical user interfaces, use the Tivoli Enterprise Portal, the CNMSISFT sample, or the NetView management console.

Operand Descriptions

The stack name for which data is requested. The default value is all TCP/IP stack names known to the DOMAIN or SYSNAME specified.
The system name for the requested data. The default value is the local system. When the ALL value is in effect, the command is sent to all NetView programs known to the master NetView program.
Note: Use caution when you specify the ALL value because it can cause rediscovery to take place on multiple NetView programs.
The domain to which the request is sent. The following are the valid options:
Specifies all domains in the sysplex. This value is only valid on the master NetView program.
Note: If you have many stacks or systems in your sysplex, issuing ALL can cause slow response times and high processor utilization.
If the DOMAIN keyword is not specified, the domain name of the local NetView system is used. This is the default.
Specifies the ID of a specific domain. This option can be issued only from the master NetView program if the domain is not the local domain.

Usage Notes

If message DSI047E is received, contact your system programmer to enable the appropriate tower or subtower. For information about data collection and display towers and subtowers, see IBM® Tivoli NetView for z/OS Installation: Configuring Additional Components.

Return Codes

Return Code
Help was issued.
No data to display.
8 or higher
Failure, see the associated message.