Installing TeX Live on Windows

Before you install TeX Live, you must install the fonts that are required for TeX Live.

Install the Fonts for TeX Live.

To install TeX Live, complete the following steps:

  1. Download TeX Live installation file from
  2. Extract the file, and copy the TeX Live installation folder to a directory on the server.
  3. Run the following command.
    > install-tl -no-gui
  4. When the Do you want to continue with the exact same settings as before (y/N) option is displayed, enter N.
  5. Enter C to install TeX Live with the standard collections.

    All the options are selected by default.

  6. Enter – to clear all options, and then type the keys that are required to install TeX Live.

    Example: To install the Essential Programs and files option, type a.

    The following options are available:
    • Essential Programs and files
    • TeX auxiliary programs
    • Recommended Fonts
    • Recommended generic packages
    • Basic LaTeX packages
    • LaTeX supplementary packages
    • LaTeX recommended packages
    • Advanced math type setting
    • Graphics packages and programs
    • XeTeX packages
  7. Enter R to return to the main menu, and then L to select the supported languages.
  8. Enter to clear all languages, and then type j to select the US and UK English language option.
  9. Enter R to return to the main menu.
  10. Enter O for Options Setup, enter – to clear all the options, and then select the following options:
    • Execution of restricted list of programs
    • Create format files
  11. Enter R to return to the main menu.
  12. Review the selected options, and then enter I.