Configuring the Decision Center Business console

The Decision Center Business console can be configured in your private cloud to use your customized dynamic domains, custom value editors, or custom ruleset extractors.

About this task

Before you install an Operational Decision Manager release, you must create a persistent volume claim (PVC) dedicated to the storage of the custom libraries. You must also set the parameter decisionCenter.customlibPvc to point to your PVC.


Note: The following steps take place when you configure the custom resource (CR) file.

  1. Create a YAML file to define the claim.

    The following example file custom-dc-libs-pvc.yaml defines a PVC that is named custom-dc-libs-pvc.

    kind: PersistentVolumeClaim
    apiVersion: v1
      name: custom-dc-libs-pvc
        - ReadWriteOnce  
          storage: 1Gi

    Do not forget to size the storage of the PVC, which is based on the size of the custom libraries.

  2. Use the following command to create the PVC.
    kubectl create -f custom-dc-libs-pvc.yaml
  3. Check that the PVC is installed.

    The following command shows the bound persistent volume (PV) of all the PVCs.

    kubectl get pvc

    The following command verifies that the PVC is bound to a PV by showing the description of the PV and its claim.

    kubectl describe pv <pv_name>
  4. Make a note of the name of the PVC as you will need it when you configure the custom resource (CR) file. For more information, see Configuring Operational Decision Manager.
    Under the decisionCenter section of the custom resource file, you will set the value of customlibPvc to point to your PVC.

What to do next

To complete the customization of Decision Center, follow the instructions in Customizing the Decision Center Business console.