Upgrading the operator in an air gap environment

You must upgrade the operator in an air gap installation before you apply your custom resource upgrades.

About this task

Note: If you used the default approval strategy (Automatic), interim fixes in the same channel are done automatically after the release of each interim fix.


  1. Download the CASE package for the new version.
  2. Mirror the entitled registry images to the local registry by completing the same steps on the bastion host that you used to install.

    For more information, see Setting up a mirror image registry.

  3. Update the catalog with the new version by running the install-catalog action from the bastion host.
    cloudctl case launch \
    --case ${OFFLINEDIR}/${CASE_ARCHIVE} \
    --inventory ${CASE_INVENTORY_SETUP} \
    --action install-catalog \
    --namespace ${NAMESPACE} \
    --args "-registry ${LOCAL_REGISTRY} --inputDir ${OFFLINEDIR} --recursive" 
  4. If your upgrade is from 21.0.1 to 21.0.2, you can follow the steps in the OCP console or you can use the install-operator action to update to the new version.
    For more information about the OCP console upgrade, see Upgrading the operator in Operator Hub. If you want to upgrade the operator by running the install-operator action, then use the following command.
    cloudctl case launch \
    --case ${OFFLINEDIR}/${CASE_ARCHIVE} \
    --inventory ${CASE_INVENTORY_SETUP} \
    --action install-operator \
    --namespace ${NAMESPACE} \
    --args "-registry ${LOCAL_REGISTRY} --inputDir ${OFFLINEDIR}"