Getting access to the new container images

To get access to the Cloud Pak container images, you must have an IBM entitlement registry key to pull the images from the IBM docker registry or download the Cloud Pak packages (.tgz files) from Fix Central for an interim fix.

About this task

Follow the instructions in Getting access to container images to get the new docker images.

Note: For 21.0.1 If you intend to include Business Automation Insights as an optional component in your deployment, create a secret with the name ibm-entitlement-key by using your<entitlement_key> for the IBM Entitled Registry. From the OCP CLI, run the following command:
oc project <project_name> 
oc create secret docker-registry ibm-entitlement-key \
  --docker-username=cp \ 
  --docker-password="<entitlement_key>" \ 

Where, the <project_name> must be set to the namespace of the installed operator.

If you used a local image registry instead of the default IBM Entitled Registry, you must prepare your upgrade with the new images. Follow the first five steps that are described in Setting up the cluster by installing the IBM operator catalog from a local registry to download the new Cloud Pak archive and mirror the images.

When the new images are mirrored in your registry, you can then run the script with the -i parameter to load the images from a local image registry. For more information, see step 4 in Upgrading the operator by running a script.

The following example shows how to run the upgrade script and load the images from a local registry.

./scripts/ \
   -n cp4ba-project \
   -i \
   -a accept