UMS parameters

Provide appropriate values for the User Management Service (UMS) configuration parameters. These are specified in the section ums_configuration.

Table 1. UMS configuration parameters
Parameter Description Default Value
ums_configuration.hostname The name of the host where the User Management Service will run. None
ums_configuration.port The port that will be used to access the User Management Service, for example, 443 when using SSL. 443
ums_configuration.images.ums.repository The repository from where the UMS image is pulled. None
ums_configuration.images.ums.tag The UMS image tag. None
ums_configuration.service_type The type to expose the service as. For example, Route for external access or NodePort for internal tests.
Note: If you specify NodePort, the value for ums_configuration.port must be between 30000 and 32767.
ums_configuration.admin_secret_name The name of the secret that was generated for the UMS secret and database secret. ibm-dba-ums-secret
ums_configuration.external_tls_secret_name Enables SSL with an existing certificate. If you don't want to provide an external TLS certificate, leave this empty. None
ums_configuration.external_tls_ca_secret_name Certificate Authority (CA) used to sign the external TLS secret. If you don't want to provide a CA to sign the external TLS certificate, leave this empty. None
ums_configuration.oauth.client_manager_group A group that is authorized to register OAuth clients (optional). None
ums_configuration.resources Kubernetes controls resources such as CPU and memory using requests and limits mechanisms. Requests are what the container is guaranteed to get. Limits make sure a container never goes above a certain value. A limit value cannot be lower than the corresponding request value. For more information about determining values for cpu and memory, see the planning section of the UMS readme.  
ums_configuration.resources.requests.cpu The minimum CPU. 200m
ums_configuration.resources.requests.memory The minimum memory. 256Mi
ums_configuration.resources.limits.cpu The maximum CPU limit. 500m
ums_configuration.resources.limits.memory The maximum memory limit. 512Mi
ums_configuration.replica_count The number of pod replicas running by default. 2
ums_configuration.autoscaling.enabled If true, pods are automatically scaled within the specified range. true
ums_configuration.autoscaling.min_replicas The minimum number of replicas for autoscaling. 2
ums_configuration.autoscaling.max_replicas The maximum number of replicas for autoscaling. 5
ums_configuration.autoscaling.target_average_utilization The average CPU utilization for autoscaling. 98
ums_configuration.use_custom_jdbc_drivers Specify if JDBC drivers other than Db2 are used. false
ums_configuration.use_custom_binaries Specify if any custom binaries are used. false
ums_configuration.existing_claim_name The name of the Persistent Volume Claim for JDBC drivers and custom binaries. None
ums_configuration.custom_secret_name The name of the existing secret for sensitive Liberty configuration, specified in XML format. None
ums_configuration.logs.console_format The format of the UMS logs console. json
ums_configuration.logs.console_log_level The log level for the UMS logs console. None
ums_configuration.logs.console_source UMS logs console source. message,trace,accessLog,ffdc,audit
ums_configuration.logs.trace_format The format of the UMS logs trace. ENHANCED
ums_configuration.logs.trace_specification The UMS logs trace specification. *=info
ums_configuration.custom_xml Custom configuration settings (optional, multi-line value). For LDAP configuration use spec.ldap_configuration parameters. None