Preparing to install containers on Kubernetes

Make sure that you prepare your environment and install the necessary software before you go to the GitHub repositories to find further information on installing the IBM certified software.

Before you begin

Install the following list of software before you install any of the automation containers.

  • Kubernetes 1.11+.
  • Helm 2.9.1, if you plan to install the Helm charts with Helm and Tiller. If you plan to use Red Hat OpenShift, install Helm 2.11.0.
  • Kubernetes CLI. For more information, see
  • Refer to the Kubernetes documentation to install Minikube, if you want a quick and easy development environment.
  • The OpenShift Container Platform CLI has commands for managing your applications, and lower-level tools to interact with each component of your system. Refer to the OpenShift documentation.
  • All the container images require persistent volumes (PV) and persistent volume claims (PVCs), so review the topics on preparing these PVs, PVCs, an LDAP, and databases for your intended installation.


  1. Install the necessary software and make sure that your environment is compatible with Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) Certified Kubernetes.
    If you are not sure which Certified Kubernetes platform is right for you, see Picking the right solution.

    The Detailed system requirements page provides a cluster requirements guideline for IBM Cloud Pak for Automation.

  2. Use the download documents to get the eAssembly images for Kubernetes.