Sign of numeric fields

Numeric fields defined with decimal places (even if zero) are generated with a signed COBOL picture. Numeric fields defined with no decimal places are generated with an unsigned COBOL picture.

For example,
FIELD-A    W         5   N 2
is generated as:
02 FIELD-A      PIC S9(03)V99 VALUE ZEROS.
FIELD-A    W         5   N
is generated as:
02 FIELD-A      PIC  9(05) VALUE ZEROS.

Some COBOL instructions force a positive sign in unsigned numeric fields, even if the source field is negative. This can lead to differences at run time due to logic taking on a different path when unsigned fields are tested for positive or negative values. Make sure that arithmetic comparisons for negative values operate on signed fields.

Easytrieve forces an F sign in positive zoned decimal numeric fields. This is true for signed (fields defined with decimal places, such as quantity), and for unsigned fields (fields defined without decimal places).

COBOL forces a C sign in positive zoned decimal numeric fields that are defined with a sign. Refer to the FSIGN= option in Migration Utility translation options for overriding options.

For example, if O-BALANCE field is defined as per below and it contains value 22222 then:
              Definition                    Hex Value
Easytrieve     O-BALANCE 1 5 N 0             F2F2F2F2F2
COBOL          O-BALANCE   PIC S9(05)        F2F2F2F2C2
The last byte is different, F2 instead of C2, This is numerically equal, but it is not equal if compared as an alphanumeric value. Altering the Easytrieve definition to a numeric unsigned field yields the same in COBOL:
              Definition                    Hex Value
Easytrieve     O-BALANCE 1 5 N               F2F2F2F2F2
COBOL          O-BALANCE   PIC 9(05)         F2F2F2F2F2

Make sure that your Easytrieve fields are properly defined. All quantitative fields should be defined with decimal places (even if zero) and all non-quantitative values should be defined without decimal places.

In general, the intermediate calculations are not a problem. The problem is visible on the output display numeric fields that are defined as quantity (with a sign) but they are truly not a quantity, such as account numbers, serial numbers, and item numbers.