MEMSEARCH returns a size_t 1 value that specifies the first position (from the left) in a buffer at which any character, graphic, uchar, or widechar in a given string appears.

Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagramMEMSEARCH(p, n,x)
Address of buffer to be searched
Length of buffer to be searched

The buffer length must be nonnegative and must have a computational type. The buffer length is converted to type size_t.

The string-expression x must have type CHARACTER (including PICTURE), GRAPHIC, UCHAR, or WIDECHAR. The buffer length is interpreted as the number of units of that string type.

The address p and the length n specify the "string" in which to search for any character, graphic, uchar, or widechar that appears in x.

If either the buffer length n is zero or x is the null string, the result is zero.

If x does not occur in the buffer, the result is zero.


  dcl cb(128*1024) char(1);
  dcl wb(128*1024) widechar(1);
  dcl pos fixed bin(31);

  /* 128K bytes searched from the left for a numeric */
  pos = memsearch( addr(cb), stg(cb), '012345789' );

  /* 256K bytes searched from the left for a widechar '0' or '1' */
  pos = memsearch( addr(wb), stg(wb), '0030_0031'wx );