WebSphere brand Transformation Extender Trading Manager version 8.2.1

Command line flags

Command line flags are used to run the XML Autoload, and will override the values in a configuration file. All command line flags must begin with "-" (a dash), and are two characters in length, with the parameter value immediately following (no space separating flag and value). For example, to specify the XML source (input) file c:\xml\my.xml, the command line flag is -xs, and the entire command line would be:

PMAutoload.exe -xsc:\xml\my.xml

If a command line parameter value contains a space or a "-", it must be enclosed in double quotes ("). Use of a single quote in parameter values is not supported. Also, do not use a forward slash ("/") in file names. You must always use a back-slash ("\").

Command line parameters that are not specified will be looked up in the file: PMAutoloadConfig.xml, or the file specified in "-cf".
