Searching for model elements

You can perform a quick search for model or architecture elements from anywhere in the application. You can either use a partial or full name or a partial or full label of a model element for the search operation. Although the search result is displayed depending on the mode that is selected at the project area level. By default, the name mode is selected on the Architecture Management page. Model elements are searched by using both name and label. However, in the results, it displays either name or label based on the mode that is selected on the Settings page. The search quickly finds close and exact matches to the entered search term in ranked order that uses the search algorithm. You must select All Architecture Elements from the list icon to search architecture elements. You can also filter by architecture element type to filter the records displayed in the search results. It displays the matching architecture elements in the search results that meet the filter criteria. However, it is not mandatory to filter the search results by architecture element type. You can display search results with an exact search text option or all possible matches option that uses the full-text search capability.

Before you begin

  • You must be logged in to the RMM web client and model elements must be available.


  1. Open the RMM web client in a browser.
  2. In the Quick Search bar, click the drop-down icon and then under Designs, select All Architecture Elements to search for architecture elements only.
    Note: By default, All Work Items menu is selected.
  3. In the Search field, enter a search text.
    Important: You can search for architecture elements by label when the Label Mode is enabled on the Architecture Management page. For more information, see Enabling Label Mode for a project area.
    Note: You can use an asterisk (*) or a question mark (?) as wildcard character to get close matches with the search term that you are looking for. However, you cannot search architecture elements by using the wildcard character without any search text.
    The search result is displayed as you type text in the field.
  4. Optional: Click the Search icon or press Enter to view search results on the main page in a table view. For more information, see Viewing search results in table view.
  5. Optional: Click More Options and enter a text in the Architecture Element Type field.
    Note: The text used as the element type is not case-sensitive. You can use uppercase and lowercase characters or combination of both.
    Note: This field supports comma separated values. You can use a comma to enter more than one filter type to filter the search results. See the following example.
    Architecture Element Type=Action, Package

    It displays model elements of type "Action" and "Package".

  6. Click Apply or press Enter to filter the model elements available in the search results by type that is entered as the filter text.
    Note: The Apply button becomes available only when a text is entered in the Architecture Element Type field.
    After the filter is applied, the search result is displayed depending on the search and filter criteria.
  7. Optional: Click the Edit icon to edit the filter text that is applied on the search results or enter a new element type as filter.

    The Edit icon is available only when the filter is already applied on the search results. When the filter text is cleared, the Edit icon is not available.

    When the filter is applied, it displays the applied filter type next to the architecture element type label.
  8. Optional: Click the Clear icon to clear the Architecture Element Type field and the filter criteria that are applied on the search result.
  9. Optional: Select one of the following search options that you want to display results for:
    • Show the exact matches
    • Show all possible matches

    The following table describes the search options.

    Search option Description
    Show the exact matches Displays results for architecture elements that exactly match the search text.
    Note: The search text is always case-insensitive. You can use an asterisk (*) to match zero or multiple characters and question mark (?) to match any single character. You must use the wildcard characters with a valid search text.
    Show all possible matches Displays close and exact matches to the entered search text with the Name or Label values in a ranked order by using full-text search capability. This option works based on the Apache Lucene text-search engine.
    Note: When you toggle between these options, the search result is updated depending on the search criteria.
    • These search options are available at project levels across applications like RMM, Engineering Workflow Management, Engineering Test Management, and DOORS® Next for every user in a specific project stream. By default, the Show the exact matches option is selected for all projects in the quick search of RMM and OSLC picker of other applications. However, if the user selects the Show all possible matches option in RMM, it also updates the selection in the same project in the OSLC picker of all other applications for that user. If the user changes the option on the OSLC picker of other application, it updates the selection in the quick search options in the RMM web client.
    • The last selection is remembered, and the same option remains selected on the next login.
  10. Click a model element to view its details.
    The model element opens in the Properties editor.
  11. Optional: Hover over a model element to view its details in a dialog without opening the model element in the Properties editor. By default, project name, name, type, and last modified details are displayed. Click Show More to display all details of the model element.


The search result displays a maximum of 100 records that are matching the search criteria. It displays 10 model elements per page. If a filter is applied on the search results, it displays the records that are matching the filter criteria.

Viewing search results in table view

About this task

In the Quick Search bar, you can choose to view search results of architecture elements on the main page in a table view. The table view is an effective way to analyze the search results. You can click the Search icon or press Enter to view the architecture elements in the table view. The search results display up to 25 architecture elements per page. The following image illustrates the table view of the search results.Architecture elements search results in table view

The search results contain the columns like Name or Label, Type, Modified Date, Score, and Show in Rhapsody. You can sort data of all the columns except the Show in Rhapsody column. You can click the Show in Rhapsody icon to open that model element in the Rhapsody client.

In the table view, you cannot filter the search results. It displays only the architecture elements that matched the search criteria.
Note: When the Architecture Element Type filter is applied, you must again click the Search icon or press Enter to refresh the search results.
On the search results main page, you can:
  • sort Name/Label, Type, Modified Date and Score columns by ascending, descending, and default order. By default, the search result is sorted by ascending order on the Name/Label column. However, when the Show all possible matches option is selected, the default order shows the results based on the descending score in the Score column.
  • click the Show in Rhapsody icon corresponding to a model element that you want to open in Rhapsody client. It opens the model element in Rhapsody client.
    Note: Ensure that the Rhapsody client is open on your computer.
  • use the Next and Previous to page through the search results.
  • use the pagination options to browse through the search results available on each page. You can click ellipsis (…) to toggle between the previous or next result sets of model elements.
  • click Explorer appearing in the table view to go to the Explorer page.