Enabling visual reporting on RMM artifacts in ENI

You can create ENI views using RMM data. You can also load RMM artifacts and linked containers using other architecture elements and artifacts from other domains.

About this task

To access the RMM data in ENI, install ELM RMM application.


  1. Stop the server.
  2. In the installation directory, navigate to the server/conf/jts/teamserver.properties file.
  3. At the end of the file, add the following line: com.ibm.team.lpa.private.templates.enabled=true.
  4. Start the server.
  5. Click the Home menu ( Home menu)) icon.
  6. From the Administration menu, click Lifecycle Project Administration.
  7. On the Sample tab, in the Select Sample list, select Systems Global Configuration Sample, and click Create.
  8. Select the checkbox to indicate that you read and understood the conditions for using the application and click Create.
  9. Publish the EWM data for “SGC Production Stream”. For more information about publishing data, see Publishing SCM configuration resources. It takes some time for Lifecycle Query Engine (LQE) to fetch data from EWM.
    The Architecture Element is available from the Artifacts > Architecture Management menu in the Palette section of the view.