Effect of the reconciliation loop on customized settings for managed resources

Managed (or secondary) resources are artifacts such as services, config maps, deployments, network policies, or secrets that are generated with an assigned owner reference when you deploy an App Connect Dashboard, App Connect Designer, switch server, or integration server custom resource. Manual updates to these managed resources are not encouraged and will be overwritten when the IBM® App Connect Operator attempts to reconcile its resources.

The Operator watches for create, update, and delete events on its custom resources and starts a reconciliation loop when these events occur in order to reconcile the watched resources and adjust the cluster to the required state. By default, the Operator is also configured to trigger a reconciliation loop every 15 minutes for all custom resources. If the Operator detects that a managed resource has been modified independently of its owning custom resource (for example, a manual update to a service port), the Operator will overwrite these updates to revert the managed resource to its initial settings.

You can change the default frequency of the reconciliation loop to accommodate your workload if required. For example, if you have a large number of deployed integration servers, you might want to lower the frequency by configuring an environment variable in the Operator's Subscription object.

Note: The ability to change the frequency of the reconciliation loop is available in IBM App Connect Operator 2.0.0 or later.

Changing the frequency of the reconciliation loop from the Red Hat OpenShift web console

Ensure that you have cluster administrator authority with cluster-admin permissions.

To change the frequency of the reconciliation loop for the Operator from the Red Hat® OpenShift® web console, complete the following steps:

  1. Log in to the OpenShift web console for your cluster.
  2. From the navigation, click Operators > Installed Operators to display all the installed Operators in the current namespace.
  3. If necessary, select a specific namespace (project) where your IBM App Connect Operator is installed.
  4. From the Installed Operators view, locate the IBM App Connect entry, click the options icon (Options menu) to open the options menu, and then click Edit Subscription.
    Edit Subscription menu option for the Operator in the Installed Operators view
  5. Click the YAML tab and then edit the spec section with the following config settings, where integer is a value in minutes; for example, 60.
        - name: CR_RECONCILE_PERIOD
          value: "integer"
  6. Click Save. The Operator pod (ibm-appconnect-operator-uniqueID) is restarted to apply the changes.

Changing the frequency of the reconciliation loop from the Red Hat OpenShift CLI

Ensure that you have cluster administrator authority with cluster-admin permissions.

To change the frequency of the reconciliation loop for the Operator from the CLI, complete the following steps:

  1. From the command line, log in to your Red Hat OpenShift cluster by using the oc login command.
  2. From the namespace where the Operator is installed, run the following command to partially update its Subscription object.
    oc edit subscription ibm-appconnect

    This command will automatically open the default text editor for your operating system.

  3. Edit the spec section with the following config settings, where integer is a value in minutes; for example, 60.
        - name: CR_RECONCILE_PERIOD
          value: "integer"
    Tip: You can also use other commands like oc patch or oc apply if preferred; for example:
    oc patch subscription ibm-appconnect -n namespaceName --type=merge -p='{"spec":{"config":{"env":[{"name":"CR_RECONCILE_PERIOD","value":"integer"}]}}}'
  4. Save the YAML definition and close the text editor. The Operator pod (ibm-appconnect-operator-uniqueID) is restarted to apply the changes.