Selecting the language for your messages

You must select in which language your error messages will display.

About this task

You can issue a MSGS DD statement or set the LANG and NLSPATH environment variables to select your language. The LANG environment variable contains a code that identifies your language, and the NLSPATH environment variable identifies the directory that contains the messages in your language. Message catalog paths lists the message catalog path for each language.


To select the language for your messages:

  • If you will always use JCL or system-started tasks to run the replication and publishing programs, then use the MSGS DD statement.
    Include the path for the HFS where the product is installed followed by the message catalog path for your language.
    For example, if you want to display your messages in United States English, and you installed InfoSphere® Data Replication for Db2® for z/OS® in the /u/USER01 directory, specify:
    //MSGS DD PATH='/u/USER01/usr/lpp/db2repl_10_02/msg/En_US/'
  • If you will ever use UNIX System Services (USS) to run replication and publishing programs, set the LANG and NLSPATH environment variables in the /etc/profile file.
    1. Set the LANG environment variable.
      For example to set the LANG environment variable to Italian, specify: LANG=It_IT
    2. Set the NLSPATH environment variable to the directory where you installed the product followed by the message catalog path.
      For example, if you installed InfoSphere Data Replication for Db2 for z/OS into the /u/USER01 HFS directory, and you want to read your messages in German, specify:
    3. If the .profile file (for the user ID that runs replication) does not export the NLSPATH environment variable and the /etc/profile file does not specify message path, create a symbolic link from the NLSPATH path to the message catalog files.
      Run the ASNISLKM sample job. The user ID that submits the ASNISLKM job must be able to use z/OS UNIX functions. The user ID must have permission to access the -NlsPath- directory so that it can create subdirectories. Superuser status is required to preserve access permission bits.
    4. Optional: Run the ASNISLKM sample job to create symbolic links from an NLSPATH to the message catalogs that you installed.
      You can create symbolic links from the NLSPATH path that the /etc/profile file specifies to the directory where you installed the message catalogs. The user ID that submits the ASNISLKM job must be a superuser or have sufficient authority to add links to the NLSPATH directory.
      For example, assume that the USERA user ID runs replication, the /etc/profile file specifies the IBM® default NLSPATH directory (/usr/lib/nls/msg/%L/%N), and the USERA user ID does not define the NLSPATH environment variable in its .profile file. You can run the ASNISLKM job using the superuser USERB user ID to create symbolic links between the IBM default NLSPATH directory (/usr/lib/nls/msg/%L/%N) and the directory that contains the message catalogs.