Queue buffer pools (z/OS)

You can improve performance on z/OS® by creating a larger buffer pool for queues that are expected to carry a high message load. The transmission queue at the source and the receive queue at the target are likely to have the heaviest and most consistent replication or publishing message load.

Creating a larger queue buffer might be particularly useful at the target system because of the number of IBM® MQ operations that are performed on the receive queue. The message is put from the channel to the queue. The browser thread gets the message from the queue. The pruning thread gets the message a second time, deletes it from the queue and commits it.

For a discussion of the trade-offs involved in planning buffer pool usage on z/OS, see the MQ SupportPac MP16, Capacity Planning and Tuning for WebSphere® MQ for z/OS, which is available on the web at http://www.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=swg24007421&rs=171.