Use the keyboard to access all of the functions of the system administration clients.
In general, keyboard access conforms to standard Microsoft Windows guidelines. Mnemonics for functions such as menu items are underlined; you can access such functions by holding down the Alt key and pressing the underlined letter key. For example, you can open the File menu from the keyboard by holding down the Alt key and pressing F.
Keyboard access differs from standard Microsoft Windows guidelines in the following ways:
Press the Tab key to move the cursor into a table. Press the Tab key again to move the cursor to the next cell within a table. To move out of the table to the next field, hold down the Ctrl key and press Tab. When the cursor is within a table, pressing Enter is not equivalent to clicking OK to close the window; you must move out of the table first.
If you want to edit a cell in a table that contains a combo box, press F2, use the down or up arrow key to move to an item, and press Enter to select it.
Pressing Shift+F10 does not open pop-up menus. You can access pop-up menu functions from the Selected menu.
If you have Java™ 2 Software Development Kit 1.4 on your system, then you can press a letter key and the next item in the tree that begins with that character is selected.
If you have Java 2 Software Development Kit 1.4 on your system, you can press a letter key to select items within a list box, combination box, or table.
Within list boxes, the following actions have no effect:
You can select individual radio buttons by pressing the Tab key and then the Spacebar, or by using the access keys. Arrow keys do not select radio buttons within a group.