Stacking Rules

Stacking refers to the concept of specifying multiple tables whereby the rules can be altered based on the incoming work.

In general all configurations have a global set of records that cover all fields in all records. For NACHA there is one table (spec); for the X9 family there are three (global, forward, and return). These rules represent a baseline for all fields.

Using additional tables allows validation rules to be conditionally enabled in a hierarchy of rules. This provides a means by which a particular field can have its validation rules changed from the baseline. For example, a rule could be relaxed for a particular originator.

The hierarchy is determined by the order of tasks in the XML descriptor for the content node. For example:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<nodeDescriptor name="ValContentNode" type="ValContentNode" >
    <task name="X9OriginatorContentTask"/>
    <task name="X9DepositorContentTask"/>
    <task name="X9ProductContentTask"/>
    <task name="X9ReturnContentTask"/>
    <task name="X9ForwardContentTask"/>
    <task name="X9GlobalContentTask"/>
Rules are checked beginning at the originator level and ending at the global level.

The rules are maintained using the Business Rules user interface.