Viewing performance of datastores

You can monitor the performance of your datastores by viewing key performance metrics.

To view performance chart for datastore, go to host L3 page, click Performance tab from Datastores page.

Important: Whenever the datastore is shared by multiple hosts, the performance chart for that datastore shows summation of performance metrics data of all the hosts that are sharing that particular datastore.

The scenarios to view performance chart of datastore can be better understood by following example.

If datastore tpcv5k8-amador2 is shared by the two hosts amador and cohiba, you can view the performance chart for tpcv5k8-amador2 datastore in two following ways:

  1. Go to amador host L3 page, and from Datastores page, click Performance tab.
  2. Go to cohiba host L3 page, and from Datastores page, click Performance tab.

The performance chart for tpcv5k8-amador2 datastore remains same irrespective of two ways where you can view it from. This behavior is mainly because PM data for datastore is not shown per host, instead it is shown as summation of PM data for all the shared hosts.