Search filters and results

The search creates a list of results that you control with filters.

When you run a search, it produces a list of results. The list can include numerous rules, decision tables, and folders. You use the provided filters to control the content of the list.


These filters control the content of the search list:

Filter by action rules, decision tables, or folders. Clear the All check box to select individual types.
Filter by the status property of a rule. Clear the All check box to select a specific status.
Found in
Filter by content or properties. The search function looks for search strings in the content of rules, or only in the properties of project elements.
Filter by the projects that are linked to the current one. All the projects of a decision service are linked.
Last edited
Indicate a time period for the results. The filter includes calendars for selecting the start and stop dates of the period.


The search list includes the following information:

Each entry includes a type icon: rule, decision table, or folder.
The search lists the elements by the number of times your search string occurs in them. For example, the search lists a rule with 10 occurrences before a rule with fewer occurrences.
The search page shows the total number of project elements that match your search string. As you scroll to the bottom of the page, the search retrieves the succeeding results and appends them to the list. The page lists up to 25 entries at a time.
Result profile
When the search finds a project element that contains your search string, it lists the element on the search page with the following information:
Table 1. Result profile
Profile data Description
Type Icon indicating the type: rule, folder, or decision table.
Name The name of the element.
Last edited by The name of the last person to edit the element.
Last edited on The date on which the last person modified the element.
Folder The folder in the rule project that contains the element.
Highlighted text Highlighted instances of the search string in the sample text from the element.
Matches in decision tables The search can find matches in different parts of decision tables:
  • Preconditions
  • Column headers
  • Column expressions (conditions or actions)
  • Cells
  • Cell or row comments