Enabling Kerberos authentication in Watson Query

If you want to connect to a data source with Kerberos authentication, you must provide the Kerberos configuration file to Watson Query before you create the connection.

Watson Query supports connecting to the following connectors that have Kerberos authentication:
  • Apache Hive
  • Cloudera Impala

Before you begin

Who needs to complete this task?
To complete this task, you must be an administrator of the project (namespace) where Cloud Pak for Data is installed.
Note: You can configure Kerberos authentication when you create connections to data sources in Platform connections or in Watson Query. You can skip the steps in this task if you already provided the configuration file to the platform connection. For more information, see Enabling platform connections to use Kerberos authentication.


Complete the following tasks to configure Kerberos in Watson Query:

  1. Providing the Kerberos configuration file (krb5.conf) in Watson Query
  2. Optional: Verifying the Kerberos configuration and environment variables in Watson Query
  3. If you have instances of Watson Query running in tethered projects, you must copy the krb5-conf-files configmap to the tethered projects. For more information, see Copying secrets and configmaps to tethered projects in Watson Query.

Providing the Kerberos configuration file (krb5.conf) in Watson Query

  1. Retrieve the krb5.conf Kerberos configuration file from the node where the Key Distribution Center (KDC) is configured. The file is typically in /etc directory.
  2. Copy the krb5.conf file to a workstation that can access the environment where the oc commands are run.
  3. Create a ConfigMap object named krb5-config-files in the same Cloud Pak for Data project where the Watson Query service is running. The ConfigMap contains the Kerberos configuration file (krb5.conf) information.
    oc create configmap krb5-config-files \
    --from-file=${KRB5_CONF_FILE} \
    • ${PROJECT_CPD_INST_OPERANDS} is the name of the Cloud Pak for Data project (namespace).
    • ${KRB5_CONF_FILE} is the Kerberos configuration file from the node where the Key Distribution Center (KDC) is configured
  4. Additional step for the Apache Hive connection for these conditions:
    • You are running Cloud Pak for Data on a FIPS-enabled cluster.
    • Your Apache Hive Kerberos instance is not configured for AES 256 encryption.
    Add the following setting to the ConfigMap (krb5-config-files):
    allow_weak_crypto = true

Optional: Verifying the Kerberos configuration and environment variables in Watson Query

  1. Verify that the KRB5_CONF_FILE environment variable is set and points to the default configuration file location /mnt/blumeta0/configmap/external/krb5-config-files/krb5.conf in the c-db2u-dv-db2u-0 pod.
    oc exec -it c-db2u-dv-db2u-0 -n ${PROJECT_CPD_INST_OPERANDS} -c db2u -- bash
    su - db2inst1
    echo ${KRB5_CONF_FILE}

    The output matches the following example.

  2. Verify that the configuration file content is mounted as a file under the default file location /mnt/blumeta0/configmap/external/krb5-config-files/.
    oc exec -it c-db2u-dv-db2u-0 -n ${PROJECT_CPD_INST_OPERANDS} -c db2u -- bash
    su - db2inst1
    ls -l ${KRB5_CONF_FILE}

    The output resembles the following example.

    lrwxrwxrwx. 1 root root 16 May  4 09:25 /mnt/blumeta0/configmap/external/krb5-config-files/krb5.conf -> ..data/krb5.conf
  3. Verify the content of the krb5.conf file that is mounted in the pod.
    oc exec -it c-db2u-dv-db2u-0 -n ${PROJECT_CPD_INST_OPERANDS} -c db2u -- bash su - db2inst1 cat ${KRB5_CONF_FILE}

    The output resembles the following example:

    forwardable= true
    default_realm = IBM.COM
    ticket_lifetime = 24h
    dns_lookup_realm = false
    dns_lookup_kdc = false
    default = FILE:/var/log/krb5kdc.log
    admin_server = FILE:/var/log/kadmind.log
    kdc = FILE:/var/log/krb5kdc.log
    IBM.COM = {
        admin_server = mykrbadminserver.ibm.com
        kdc = mykdcadminserver.ibm.com
    Note: If the Kerberos configuration file (krb5.conf) is not mounted under /mnt/blumeta0/configmap/external/krb5-config-files, force the pod to restart to ensure that ConfigMap updates are picked up by Watson Query.