Deployment spaces (Watson Machine Learning)

Deployment spaces contain deployable assets, deployments, deployment jobs, associated input and output data, and the associated environments. You can use spaces to deploy models and manage your deployments.

When you open a space from the UI, you see these elements:

Detailed information about a deployment space

The deployments dashboard is an aggregate view of deployment activity available to you, across spaces. For details, refer to Deployments dashboard.

For information on managing spaces, refer to:

For details on space collaborator permissions, refer to Deployment space collaborator roles and permissions.

For details on various ways of adding assets to a space, refer to Adding assets to a deployment space.

Managing specific asset versions is described in Managing asset versions.

For information on creating deployments, refer to Creating deployments from a space.

You can find details on managing deployment jobs in Managing jobs in spaces.

If you want to export assets from your deployment space, refer to Exporting space assets.

Parent topic: Deploying and managing models