Watson Machine Learning Accelerator on Cloud Pak for Data

Version: 4.3.0    Included   IBM


IBM Watson Machine Learning Accelerator is a deep learning platform that data scientists can use to build, train, and deploy deep learning models.

Watson Machine Learning Accelerator can be connected to Watson Machine Learning to take advantage of the multi-tenant resource plans that manage resource sharing across Watson Machine Learning projects. With this integration, data scientists can use the Watson Machine Learning Experiment Builder and Watson Machine Learning Accelerator hyperparameter optimization.

Watson Machine Learning Accelerator provides the following benefits on Cloud Pak for Data:

  • Distributed deep learning architecture and hyper-parameter search and optimization that simplifies the process of training deep learning models across a cluster for faster time to results.
  • Advanced Kubernetes scheduling including consumer resource plans, ability to run parallel jobs and dynamically allocate GPU resources.
  • Included ready-to-use deep learning frameworks, such as TensorFlow and PyTorch.

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Integrated services

Table 1. Related services. The following related services are often used with this service and provide complementary features, but they are not required.
Service Capability
Watson™ Machine Learning Build, train, and deploy machine learning models with a full range of tools.