Filtering data in Watson Query

You can filter tables for each data source based on catalog, schema, or table name by using Filter data in the overflow menu. When you virtualize data, only assets that meet the filter criteria are displayed, which speeds up loading of tables.
  1. On the navigation menu, click Data > Data virtualization. The service menu opens to the Data sources page by default.

  2. On the overflow menu (Overflow menu icon) for a data source, click Filter data.

    If you have any filters set, these filters appear on the Filter page.

  3. Click The edit icon to enter one or more fields to filter this data source on.

    For Schema and Table names, you can use wildcard characters in your search. Use the percentage symbol (%) to represent zero or more characters. Use the underscore symbol (_) to represent a single character. You can use the % or _ fields to find schemas or filter tables based on a single condition. For example, you can use %ab% to denote <multiple characters> + ab + <multiple characters>. However, you can't specify multiple conditions.

  4. Click Save and apply.

    Filters take effect immediately.