Enabling the Db2 REST interface in Watson Query

As an Admin, you can enable the Db2 REST interface for an existing Watson Query deployment on Cloud Pak for Data.

Before you begin

Required role: To enable the Db2 REST interface, you must have the Watson Query Admin role.

Db2 REST API endpoints are defined as stored procedures in Db2. By default, if your API endpoint queries data from tables, the query impersonates the API endpoint definer. As a result, the Watson Query authorizations and Watson Knowledge Catalog data protection rules that apply to the definer of the API endpoint, rather than to the caller of the API, are enforced when the API is called. To use the permissions of the caller of the API, set the isDefiner parameter to false when you define the Db2 REST service.


To enable the Db2 REST interface in Watson Query, follow these steps.

  1. When you provision the Watson Query service instance, you can edit the db2ucluster custom resource. Find your db2ucluster custom resource by running the following command.
    [root@deploysquad2-inf ~]# oc get db2ucluster

    The command results match your deployment ID. In the following example, db2u-dv.

    db2u-dv   Ready   None               34m
  2. Run the following command to edit the add-ons file.
    oc edit db2ucluster deployment_ID

    Set the rest value to enabled: true. The edited file looks similar to the following example.

        enabled: true
  3. Run the following command to view the REST service and deployment information.
    oc get formations.db2u.databases.ibm.com db2u-dv -o go-template='{{range .status.components}}{{printf "%s,%s,%s\n" .kind .name .status.state}}{{end}}' | column -s, -t 

    The results look similar to the following example:

    service                c-db2u-dv-db2u-rest-svc          Creating
    Deployment             c-db2u-dv-rest                   Creating
  4. Run the following command to view the REST pod as part of your deployment.
    oc get pods |grep db2

    The following example highlights the REST pod.

    c-db2u-dv-db2u-0                               1/1     Running     0          39m
    c-db2u-dv-etcd-0                               1/1     Running     0          39m
    c-db2u-dv-instdb-df7hh                         0/1     Completed   0          40m
    c-db2u-dv-ldap-64bc6d58dc-ms29x                1/1     Running     0          40m
    c-db2u-dv-rest-66f7fcb7d4-98fbh                1/1     Running     0          86s
    c-db2u-dv-restore-morph-bkfpr                  0/1     Completed   0          39m
    c-db2u-dv-tools-57bc7d4ddf-wz8fr               1/1     Running     0          40m
    db2u-operator-5999cd944b-dwgrr                             1/1     Running     0          17m

    Note the REST pod name, which is used to run documented REST commands.