Manually creating a Watson Query connection in the catalog

Watson Knowledge Catalog includes a connector that is specific to Watson Query.

Before you begin

Ensure that Watson Query and Watson Knowledge Catalog are installed in the same OpenShift® project (namespace).

About this task

A connection is automatically created in the default catalog when Watson Query detects that the Watson Knowledge Catalog service is installed. You can also create a connection to Watson Query in Watson Knowledge Catalog manually. To do so, you must use the Watson Query connector.

When you publish a Watson Query object to a catalog that does not yet have a Watson Query connection, a Watson Query connection is added automatically to the target catalog.


To manually create a Watson Query connection in a catalog, follow these steps.

  1. Click Catalogs > All catalogs.
  2. Select your catalog and click Add to catalog > Connection.
  3. Click From platform and select the Watson Query platform connection.
  4. Choose an Authentication method and enter your credentials as an API key or a username and password.
  5. Click Create.
    The connection appears on the Assets page. To edit the connection, follow these steps.
    1. Click the connection name on the Assets page.
    2. Click the Assets tab.
    3. Click Edit the connection in the preview.

    The Watson Knowledge Catalog service uses the DV_SYSID functional role to connect to Watson Query. The DV_SYSID role is defined automatically in Watson Query and is required for profiling virtual assets. This role is intended for internal service use only, you must not use this role for any other purposes.