Spark jobs API syntax, parameters and return codes

You typically submit a Spark job with a cURL command.

The Spark job cURL command syntax is:

curl -k -X POST <V3_JOBS_API_ENDPOINT> -H "Authorization: Bearer <ACCESS_TOKEN>" -d @input.json

Spark jobs cURL options:


Spark jobs API parameters

These are the parameters you can use in the Spark jobs API:

Table 1. Parameters for the Spark jobs API
Name Sub-properties Required/Optional Type Description
application_details Required Object Specifies the Spark application details
application Required String Specifies the Spark application file, i.e. the file path to the Python, R, or scala job file
application_arguments Optional String[] Specifies the application arguments
conf Optional Key-value JSON object Specifies the Spark configuration values that override the predefined values. See the section Default Spark configuration parameters and environment variables for the default configuration parameters defined by the Spark service. See Apache Spark configurations for the configuration parameters supported by Apache Spark.
env Optional Key-value JSON object Specifies Spark environment variables required for the job. See the section Default Spark configuration parameters and environment variables for the default environment variables defined by the Spark service. See Apache Spark environment variables for the environment variables supported by Apache Spark.
class Optional String Specifies the entry point for your Scala application.
executor-memory Optional String Specifies the memory per executor, for example 1000M or 2G. The default is 1G.
executor-cores Optional Integer Specifies the number of cores per executor or all available cores on the worker in standalone mode. The default is 1. The maximum is 5 CPU.
num-executors Optional Integer Specifies the number of executors to launch. The default is 1.
driver-cores Optional Integer Specifies the number of cores used by the driver, only in cluster mode. The default is 1. The maximum is 5 CPU.
driver-memory Optional String Specifies the memory for the driver, for example 1000M or 2G. The default is 1024M.
driver-java-options Optional String Specifies extra Java options to pass to the driver
driver-library-path Optional String Specifies extra library path entries to pass to the driver
driver-class-path Optional String Species extra class path entries to pass to the driver. Note that jars added with --jars are automatically included in the classpath.
jars Optional String Specifies a comma-separated list of jars to include on the driver and executor classpaths
packages Optional String Specifies a comma-separated list of Maven coordinates of jars to include on the driver and executor classpaths. Searches the local Maven repository, then Maven central and finally any additional remote repositories given by --repositories. The format for the coordinates should be groupId:artifactId:version.
exclude-packages Optional String Specifies a comma-separated list of groupId:artifactId to exclude while resolving the dependencies provided in --packages to avoid dependency conflicts
repositories Optional String Specifies a comma-separated list of additional remote repositories to search for the Maven coordinates given with --packages
py-files Optional String Specifies a comma-separated list of .zip, .egg, or .py files to place on the PYTHONPATH for Python apps
template_id Optional String Specifies the Spark version and preinstalled system libraries. The default is spark-3.2-jaas-v2-cp4d-template for Spark 3.2. For Spark 3.0, use spark-3.0.0-jaas-v2-cp4d-template.
Spark 3.0 is available only if you are running Cloud Pak for Data 4.5.0.
volumes Optional list of objects Specifies the volumes to be mounted other than the Spark instance volume. If volumes are added in the application payload, then the conf section in payload is mandatory.
name Required String Specifies the name of the volume
source_sub_path Optional String Specifies the source path in the volume to be mounted. Source path MUST be a relative path.
mount_path Required String Specifies the location where the volume is to be mounted. Note that there are a few prohibited mount paths, which you will be restricted from using when you try to enter them as these can compromise the runtime.

Note that the default memory allocation for the Spark driver and executor is 1 G only. Although, an extra 1 G of memory is available in both the Spark driver and executor pods, this is reserved to run the Spark daemon. You can't use this extra 1 G, nor is it allocated from your instance memory quota. For example, assuming you defined a job with both executor-memory and driver-memory set to 2 G running 4 executors, the memory allocation would be 2 G for the driver and 4*2 G for executors, totaling 10 G. So an instance with a 60 G memory limit, could run at most 6 of these jobs concurrently.

Response codes

The Spark jobs API returns the following response codes:

Spark job API response codes
Return code Meaning of the return code Description
201 Job created The Spark job was successfully submitted.
Job response: {"application_id":"<job_id>", "state":"<job_state>", "start_time": "<start_time>", "spark_application_id": "<spark_app_id>"}
400 Bad request This is returned when the payload is incorrect, for example, if the payload format is incorrect or arguments are missing.
404 Not Found This is returned when the Spark application is submitted for instance ID that does not exist.
500 Internal server error This is returned when the server isn’t responding to what you’re asking it to do. Try submitting your job again.
503 Service unavailable This is returned when there are insufficient resources.
Possible response: Could not complete the request. Reason - FailedScheduling. Detailed error - 0/6 nodes are available: 3 Insufficient cpu, 3 node(s) had taints that the pod didn't tolerate.

Default Spark configuration parameters and environment variables

The following tables show the Spark configuration parameters and environment variables that are commonly used in Analytics Engine Powered by Apache Spark and their default values.

The following table lists the Spark configuration parameters and their defaults:

Default Spark configuration parameters
Spark configuration Default value
spark.eventLog.enabled TRUE
spark.driver.extraClassPath /home/spark/space/assets/data_asset/*:/home/spark/user_home/dbdrivers/*:/cc-home/_global_/dbdrivers/*:/home/spark/shared/user-libs/spark2/*:/home/spark/user_home/dbdrivers/*:/home/spark/shared/user-libs/common/*:/home/spark/shared/user-libs/connectors/*:/opt/ibm/connectors/parquet-encryption/*:/opt/ibm/third-party/libs/spark2/*:/opt/ibm/third-party/libs/common/*:/opt/ibm/third-party/libs/connectors/*:/opt/ibm/spark/external-jars/*
spark.executor.extraClassPath /home/spark/space/assets/data_asset/*:/home/spark/user_home/dbdrivers/*:/cc-home/_global_/dbdrivers/*:/home/spark/shared/user-libs/spark2/*:/home/spark/user_home/dbdrivers/*:/home/spark/shared/user-libs/common/*:/home/spark/shared/user-libs/connectors/*:/opt/ibm/connectors/parquet-encryption/*:/opt/ibm/third-party/libs/spark2/*:/opt/ibm/third-party/libs/common/*:/opt/ibm/third-party/libs/connectors/*:/opt/ibm/spark/external-jars/*
spark.master.ui.port 8080
spark.worker.ui.port 8081
spark.ui.port 4040
spark.history.ui.port 18080
spark.ui.enabled TRUE
spark.ui.killEnabled FALSE
spark.eventLog.dir file:///home/spark/spark-events
spark.ui.reverseProxy TRUE
spark.ui.showConsoleProgress TRUE
spark.shuffle.service.port 7337
spark.r.command /opt/ibm/conda/R/bin/Rscript TRUE
spark.hadoop.fs.s3a.multipart.size 33554432
spark.hadoop.fs.stocator.scheme.list cos
spark.hadoop.fs.stocator.cos.scheme cos TRUE
spark.hadoop.fs.s3a.impl org.apache.hadoop.fs.s3a.S3AFileSystem
spark.authenticate FALSE FALSE 256

The following table lists the environment variables and their defaults:

Default Spark environment variables
Environment variable Default value
SPARK_DIST_CLASSPATH /home/spark/space/assets/data_asset/*:/home/spark/user_home/dbdrivers/*:/cc-home/_global_/dbdrivers/*:/opt/ibm/connectors/idax/*:/opt/ibm/connectors/cloudant/*:/opt/ibm/connectors/db2/*:/opt/ibm/connectors/others-db-drivers/*:/opt/ibm/connectors/wdp-connector-driver/*:/opt/ibm/connectors/wdp-connector-jdbc-library/*:/opt/ibm/connectors/stocator/*:/opt/ibm/connectors/s3/*:/opt/ibm/image-libs/common/*:/opt/ibm/image-libs/spark2/*:/opt/ibm/third-party/libs/batch/*:/opt/ibm/spark/external-jars/*
SPARK_LOCAL_DIRS /tmp/spark/scratch
CLASSPATH /home/spark/user_home/dbdrivers/*:/opt/ibm/connectors/idax/*:/opt/ibm/connectors/cloudant/*:/opt/ibm/connectors/db2/*:/opt/ibm/connectors/others-db-drivers/*:/opt/ibm/connectors/wdp-connector-driver/*:/opt/ibm/connectors/wdp-connector-jdbc-library/*:/opt/ibm/connectors/stocator/*:/opt/ibm/connectors/s3/*:/opt/ibm/image-libs/common/*:/opt/ibm/image-libs/spark2/*:/opt/ibm/third-party/libs/batch/*
LD_LIBRARY_PATH /opt/ibm/connectors/dsdriver/dsdriver/lib:/opt/ibm/connectors/others-db-drivers/oracle/lib:/opt/ibm/jdk/jre/lib/architecture/server:/opt/ibm/jdk/jre/lib/architecture/:/usr/local/lib:/lib64
PYTHONPATH /home/spark/space/assets/data_asset:/home/spark/user_home/python-3:/cc-home/_global_/python-3:/home/spark/shared/user-libs/python:/home/spark/shared/conda/envs/python/lib/python/site-packages:/opt/ibm/conda/miniconda/lib/python/site-packages:/opt/ibm/third-party/libs/python3:/opt/ibm/image-libs/python3:/opt/ibm/image-libs/spark2/xskipper-core.jar:/opt/ibm/image-libs/spark2/spark-extensions.jar:/opt/ibm/image-libs/spark2/metaindexmanager.jar:/opt/ibm/image-libs/spark2/stmetaindexplugin.jar:/opt/ibm/spark/python:/opt/ibm/spark/python/lib/
R_LIBS_USER /home/spark/space/assets/data_asset:/home/spark/shared/user-libs/R:/opt/ibm/third-party/libs/R:/opt/ibm/conda/R/lib64/R/library/:/opt/ibm/spark/R/lib:/opt/ibm/image-libs/R

Parent topic: Submitting Spark jobs