Enabling optional features after installation or upgrade for Watson Knowledge Catalog

After installing or upgrading Watson™ Knowledge Catalog, you can enable any of the optional features available with Watson Knowledge Catalog.

During the initial install or during the upgrade of Watson Knowledge Catalog, you have the option of enabling a number of optional features. However, if you decide not to enable these optional features at that time, you can still do so after the initial install or after the upgrade.

For more information about each of these optional features, see Preparing to install Watson Knowledge Catalog.
Important: Enabling any of these options will require additional hardware. For more information, see Hardware requirements.

Follow the instructions based on which release of IBM® Cloud Pak for Data you are on.

For users on IBM Cloud Pak for Data 4.5.0
Knowledge graph
Enable knowledge graph to gain access to the lineage and semantic search features.
This option can be enabled by running this patch command in the wkc-cr:
cpd-cli manage update-cr \
--component=wkc \
--cpd_instance_ns=${PROJECT_CPD_INSTANCE} \
Data quality
Enable data quality features in analytics projects.
Important: Enabling this option will install DataStage® with Watson Knowledge Catalog. To ensure a smooth installation of this feature see Updating the CR if is installed with the Data Quality feature enabled.
This option can be enabled by running this patch command in the wkc-cr:
cpd-cli manage update-cr \
--component=wkc \
--cpd_instance_ns=${PROJECT_CPD_INSTANCE} \
Use a model inventory to track the lifecycles of machine learning models from training to production. View AI factsheets that track lineage events for assets and facilitate efficient ModelOps governance.
This option can be enabled by running this patch command in the wkc-cr:
cpd-cli manage update-cr \
--component=wkc \
--cpd_instance_ns=${PROJECT_CPD_INSTANCE} \
Advanced metadata import
Enable advanced metadata import provided through MANTA Automated Data Lineage.
Before enabling advanced metadata import, you will need to run the following:
cat <<EOF | oc apply -f -
apiVersion: operator.openshift.io/v1alpha1
kind: ImageContentSourcePolicy
   name: manta-mirror-config
  - mirrors:
    source: repo.getmanta.com/manta-ubi8-ibm
This sets an additional image content security policy (ICSP). This command will create a new mirror configuration for repo.getmanta.com/manta-ubi8-ibm so that the images can be pulled from an IBM entitled registry: icr.io/cpopen. No images will be pulled from repo.getmanta.com/manta-ubi8-ibm, and there is no need to whitelist any other registry than the IBM entitled registry.
Important: In addition, ensure that the valid CA (certificate authority) signed certificate has the parameter Subject Alternative Name, and that it matches the route name used to access Watson Knowledge Catalog.
Note: For OpenShift® 4.6 or older versions, you will need to wait until the image content security policy is propagated to all the nodes in the cluster and the nodes are restarted.
This option can be enabled by running this patch command in the wkc-cr:
cpd-cli manage update-cr \
--component=wkc \
--cpd_instance_ns=${PROJECT_CPD_INSTANCE} \
After enabling MANTA Automated Data Lineage, check to see if the manta-dataflow and manta-keycloak pods are up and running.
If they are, you can scale up or scale down the metadata-discovery and wkc-metadata-imports-ui pods to suit your needs.

For users on IBM Cloud Pak for Data 4.5.1
Knowledge graph
Enable knowledge graph to gain access to the lineage and semantic search features.
This option can be enabled by running this patch command in the wkc-cr:
cpd-cli manage update-cr \
--component=wkc \
--cpd_instance_ns=${PROJECT_CPD_INSTANCE} \
After you enable the knowledge graph, you must synchronize governance artifacts. Use the following API for updating the categories, business terms, data classes, reference data sets, etc. in the knowledge graph. Replace $HOST by the host name and port number used in the IBM Cloud Pak for Data UI. You must have the manage_glossary permission to complete this task. This permission is available in Administrator platform role.
  1. Get bearer token as described in https://cloud.ibm.com/apidocs/cloud-pak-data/cloud-pak-data-4.5.0#getauthorizationtoken.
    curl -k -X POST \
    https://$HOST/icp4d-api/v1/authorize \
    -H 'cache-control: no-cache' \
    -H 'content-type: application/json' \
    -d '{"username":"admin","password":"<password>"}'
  2. Start the synchronization:
    curl -k -X POST "https://$HOST/v3/glossary_terms/admin/resync?artifact_type=<artifact_type>&sync_destinations=KNOWLEDGE_GRAPH" --header "Content-Type: application/json" --header "Accept: application/json" --header "Authorization: Bearer ${TOKEN}" -d \
    '{"category_ids": ["<category_artifact_id1>, <category_artifact_id12>..."]}'
    • The allowed values for artifact_type parameter are category, glossary_term, classification, data_class, reference_data, policy, rule.
    • Start with category, then continue with glossary_term, classification, data_class, reference_data, policy, and rule.
Data quality
Enable data quality features in analytics projects.
Important: Enabling this option will install DataStage with Watson Knowledge Catalog. To ensure a smooth installation of this feature see Updating the CR if is installed with the Data Quality feature enabled.
This option can be enabled by running this patch command in the wkc-cr:
cpd-cli manage update-cr \
--component=wkc \
--cpd_instance_ns=${PROJECT_CPD_INSTANCE} \
Use a model inventory to track the lifecycles of machine learning models from training to production. View AI factsheets that track lineage events for assets and facilitate efficient ModelOps governance.
This option can be enabled by running this patch command in the wkc-cr:
cpd-cli manage update-cr \
--component=wkc \
--cpd_instance_ns=${PROJECT_CPD_INSTANCE} \
Advanced metadata import
Enable advanced metadata import provided through MANTA Automated Data Lineage.
Before enabling advanced metadata import, you will need to run the following:
cat <<EOF | oc apply -f -
apiVersion: operator.openshift.io/v1alpha1
kind: ImageContentSourcePolicy
   name: manta-mirror-config
  - mirrors:
    source: repo.getmanta.com/manta-ubi8-ibm
This sets an additional image content security policy (ICSP). This command will create a new mirror configuration for repo.getmanta.com/manta-ubi8-ibm so that the images can be pulled from an IBM entitled registry: icr.io/cpopen. No images will be pulled from repo.getmanta.com/manta-ubi8-ibm, and there is no need to whitelist any other registry than the IBM entitled registry.
Important: In addition, ensure that the valid CA (certificate authority) signed certificate has the parameter Subject Alternative Name, and that it matches the route name used to access Watson Knowledge Catalog.
Note: For OpenShift 4.6 or older versions, you will need to wait until the image content security policy is propagated to all the nodes in the cluster and the nodes are restarted.
This option can be enabled by running this patch command in the wkc-cr:
cpd-cli manage update-cr \
--component=wkc \
--cpd_instance_ns=${PROJECT_CPD_INSTANCE} \
After enabling MANTA Automated Data Lineage, check to see if the manta-dataflow and manta-keycloak pods are up and running.
If they are, you can scale up or scale down the metadata-discovery and wkc-metadata-imports-ui pods to suit your needs.
Enable all optional features
If you want to enable all the optional features at the same time, you can run the following commands.
All of these options can be enabled by running this patch command in the wkc-cr:
cpd-cli manage update-cr \
--component=wkc \
--cpd_instance_ns=${PROJECT_CPD_INSTANCE} \

For users on IBM Cloud Pak for Data 4.5.2
Knowledge graph
Enable knowledge graph to gain access to the lineage and semantic search features.
This option can be enabled by running this patch command in the wkc-cr:
cpd-cli manage update-cr \
--component=wkc \
--cpd_instance_ns=${PROJECT_CPD_INSTANCE} \
After you enable the knowledge graph, you must synchronize governance artifacts. Use the following API for updating the categories, business terms, data classes, reference data sets, etc. in the knowledge graph. Replace $HOST by the host name and port number used in the IBM Cloud Pak for Data UI. You must have the manage_glossary permission to complete this task. This permission is available in Administrator platform role.
  1. Get bearer token as described in https://cloud.ibm.com/apidocs/cloud-pak-data/cloud-pak-data-4.5.0#getauthorizationtoken.
    curl -k -X POST \
    https://$HOST/icp4d-api/v1/authorize \
    -H 'cache-control: no-cache' \
    -H 'content-type: application/json' \
    -d '{"username":"admin","password":"<password>"}'
  2. Start the synchronization:
    curl -k -X POST "https://$HOST/v3/glossary_terms/admin/resync?artifact_type=<artifact_type>&sync_destinations=KNOWLEDGE_GRAPH" --header "Content-Type: application/json" --header "Accept: application/json" --header "Authorization: Bearer ${TOKEN}" -d \
    '{"category_ids": ["<category_artifact_id1>, <category_artifact_id12>..."]}'
    • The allowed values for artifact_type parameter are category, glossary_term, classification, data_class, reference_data, policy, rule.
    • Start with category, then continue with glossary_term, classification, data_class, reference_data, policy, and rule.
Data quality
Enable data quality features in analytics projects.
Important: Enabling this option will install DataStage with Watson Knowledge Catalog. To ensure a smooth installation of this feature see Updating the CR if is installed with the Data Quality feature enabled.
This option can be enabled by running this patch command in the wkc-cr:
cpd-cli manage update-cr \
--component=wkc \
--cpd_instance_ns=${PROJECT_CPD_INSTANCE} \
Use a model inventory to track the lifecycles of machine learning models from training to production. View AI factsheets that track lineage events for assets and facilitate efficient ModelOps governance.
This option can be enabled after the initial installation by running this patch command in the wkc-cr:
cpd-cli manage update-cr \
--component=wkc \
--cpd_instance_ns=${PROJECT_CPD_INSTANCE} \
Advanced metadata import
Enable advanced metadata import provided through MANTA Automated Data Lineage.
Important: Before enabling MANTA Automated Data Lineage, ensure that the valid CA (certificate authority) signed certificate has the parameter Subject Alternative Name, and that it matches the route name used to access Watson Knowledge Catalog.
This option can be enabled by running this patch command in the wkc-cr:
cpd-cli manage update-cr \
--component=wkc \
--cpd_instance_ns=${PROJECT_CPD_INSTANCE} \
After enabling MANTA Automated Data Lineage, check to see if the manta-dataflow and manta-keycloak pods are up and running.
If they are, you can scale up or scale down the metadata-discovery and wkc-metadata-imports-ui pods to suit your needs.
Enabling MANTA Automated Data Lineage may fail on production environments as the MANTA image location is currently referring to a staging registry. The following steps will fix that so it points to a production registry.
  1. Run the command to choose the required project:
    oc project ibm-common-services
  2. Run the command to scale down the manta-adl-operator-controller-manager pod down to zero:
    oc scale deploy manta-adl-operator-controller-manager --replicas=0
  3. Run the command to path the registry location so it points to a production registry:
    oc patch deploy manta-adl-operator-controller-manager --type=merge --patch='{"spec": {"template": { "spec": {"containers": [{ "name":"manager","image": "icr.io/cpopen/manta-adl-operator@sha256:c1bad56e10aded544cfbc7416870c69473ea6d060d0f00e531e462903fca6c67"}] } } } }'
  4. Run the command to scale up the pod:
    oc scale deploy manta-adl-operator-controller-manager --replicas=1
Enable all optional features
If you want to enable all the optional features at the same time, you can run the following commands.
All of these options can be enabled by running this patch command in the wkc-cr:
cpd-cli manage update-cr \
--component=wkc \
--cpd_instance_ns=${PROJECT_CPD_INSTANCE} \

For users on IBM Cloud Pak for Data 4.5.3
Knowledge graph
Enable knowledge graph to gain access to the lineage and semantic search features.
This option can be enabled by running this patch command in the wkc-cr:
cpd-cli manage update-cr \
--component=wkc \
--cpd_instance_ns=${PROJECT_CPD_INSTANCE} \
After you enable the knowledge graph, you must synchronize governance artifacts. Use the following API for updating the categories, business terms, data classes, reference data sets, etc. in the knowledge graph. Replace $HOST by the host name and port number used in the IBM Cloud Pak for Data UI. You must have the manage_glossary permission to complete this task. This permission is available in Administrator platform role.
  1. Get bearer token as described in https://cloud.ibm.com/apidocs/cloud-pak-data/cloud-pak-data-4.5.0#getauthorizationtoken.
    curl -k -X POST \
    https://$HOST/icp4d-api/v1/authorize \
    -H 'cache-control: no-cache' \
    -H 'content-type: application/json' \
    -d '{"username":"admin","password":"<password>"}'
  2. Start the synchronization:
    curl -k -X POST "https://$HOST/v3/glossary_terms/admin/resync?artifact_type=<artifact_type>&sync_destinations=KNOWLEDGE_GRAPH" --header "Content-Type: application/json" --header "Accept: application/json" --header "Authorization: Bearer ${TOKEN}" -d \
    '{"category_ids": ["<category_artifact_id1>, <category_artifact_id12>..."]}'
    • The allowed values for artifact_type parameter are category, glossary_term, classification, data_class, reference_data, policy, rule.
    • Start with category, then continue with glossary_term, classification, data_class, reference_data, policy, and rule.
Data quality
Enable data quality features in analytics projects.
Important: Enabling this option will install DataStage with Watson Knowledge Catalog. To ensure a smooth installation of this feature see Updating the CR if is installed with the Data Quality feature enabled.
This option can be enabled by running this patch command in the wkc-cr:
cpd-cli manage update-cr \
--component=wkc \
--cpd_instance_ns=${PROJECT_CPD_INSTANCE} \
Use a model inventory to track the lifecycles of machine learning models from training to production. View AI factsheets that track lineage events for assets and facilitate efficient ModelOps governance.
This option can be enabled after the initial installation by running this patch command in the wkc-cr:
cpd-cli manage update-cr \
--component=wkc \
--cpd_instance_ns=${PROJECT_CPD_INSTANCE} \
Advanced metadata import
Enable advanced metadata import provided through MANTA Automated Data Lineage.
Important: Before enabling MANTA Automated Data Lineage, ensure that the valid CA (certificate authority) signed certificate has the parameter Subject Alternative Name, and that it matches the route name used to access Watson Knowledge Catalog.
This option can be enabled by running this patch command in the wkc-cr:
cpd-cli manage update-cr \
--component=wkc \
--cpd_instance_ns=${PROJECT_CPD_INSTANCE} \
After enabling MANTA Automated Data Lineage, check to see if the manta-dataflow and manta-keycloak pods are up and running.
If they are, you can scale up or scale down the metadata-discovery and wkc-metadata-imports-ui pods to suit your needs.
Enabling MANTA Automated Data Lineage may fail on production environments as the MANTA image location is currently referring to a staging registry. The following steps will fix that so it points to a production registry.
  1. Run the command to choose the required project:
    oc project ibm-common-services
  2. Run the command to scale down the manta-adl-operator-controller-manager pod down to zero:
    oc scale deploy manta-adl-operator-controller-manager --replicas=0
  3. Run the command to path the registry location so it points to a production registry:
    oc patch deploy manta-adl-operator-controller-manager --type=merge --patch='{"spec": {"template": { "spec": {"containers": [{ "name":"manager","image": "icr.io/cpopen/manta-adl-operator@sha256:c1bad56e10aded544cfbc7416870c69473ea6d060d0f00e531e462903fca6c67"}] } } } }'
  4. Run the command to scale up the pod:
    oc scale deploy manta-adl-operator-controller-manager --replicas=1
Enable all optional features
If you want to enable all the optional features at the same time, you can run the following commands.
All of these options can be enabled by running this patch command in the wkc-cr:
cpd-cli manage update-cr \
--component=wkc \
--cpd_instance_ns=${PROJECT_CPD_INSTANCE} \