Configuring workload management policies for DataStage

You can configure workload management policies for DataStage® by editing the configuration file.

You can set threshold values for these system policies:
Job Count
Specify the maximum number of concurrent running jobs that are allowed on the system. The default value is 20 concurrent running jobs.
Note: Job count excludes sequence jobs.
Job Start
Specify the maximum number of jobs that are allowed to start in the specified number of seconds. The default value is 100 jobs in 10 seconds.
CPU Usage
Specify the maximum CPU usage that is allowed on the system. If the current CPU usage exceeds this value, the job is not allowed to start. The default value is 80 percent CPU usage.
Memory Usage
Specify the maximum memory usage that is allowed on the system. If the memory usage exceeds this value, the job is not allowed to start. The default value is 80 percent memory usage.

To configure the policies by editing the configuration file wlm.config.xml, complete the following steps.

  1. Log in to your Red Hat® OpenShift® cluster as a project administrator:
    oc login -u kubeadmin -p xxxxx-xxxx-xxxx
  2. Find the runtime instance that you want to update. For example, to update the default instance:
    oc get pods | grep ds-px-default-ibm-datastage-px-runtime
  3. Open a shell on the runtime pod:
    oc rsh ds-px-default-ibm-datastage-px-runtime-7b5b7975b8-jnzbg
  4. Change directory to the workload management home directory, for example:
    sh-4.4$ cd /opt/ibm/PXService/Server/DSWLM
  5. Stop workload management:
    sh-4.4$ ./
  6. Edit the configuration file:
    bash-4.4$ nano /px-storage/config/wlm/wlm.config.xml
  7. Add the following information to the configuration file according to the policies that you want to set.
    Job Count and Job Start
    Note: Job count excludes sequence jobs.
      <!-- Declare a list of computing resources -->
        <Resource name="JobCount" value="5" />
        <Resource name="StartJob" value="5" timeFrame="4" />
    CPU Usage and Memory Usage
    <!-- parameter to indicate CPU cap (in percent) -->
        <Parameter name="CPUCap" value="95" />
        <!-- parameter to indicate memory cap (in percent) -->
        <Parameter name="MemoryCap" value="80" />
  8. Start workload management:
    sh-4.4$ nohup ./ &
    [1] 16034
    sh-4.4$ nohup: ignoring input and appending output to 'nohup.out'
  9. Confirm that workload management is running:
    sh-4.4$ ps -ef | grep WLM | grep -v grep
    1000630+   16034   15905  3 15:02 pts/0    00:00:00 ./../../jdk/bin/java -Xmx2048m -classpath ./dist/lib/commons-lang-2.6.jar:./dist/lib/commons-codec-1.15.jar:./../../ASBNode/lib/java/jsr311-api-1.1.1.jar:./../../ASBNode/lib/java/slf4j-api-1.6.1.jar:./../../ASBNode/lib/java/wink-1.2.1-incubating.jar:./../../ASBNode/lib/java/wink-client-1.2.1-incubating.jar:./../../ASBNode/lib/java/wink-common-1.2.1-incubating.jar:./../../ASBNode/lib/java/wink-server-1.2.1-incubating.jar:./dist/lib/wlm.jar:./dist/lib/wlmstart.jar