Disabling the shared credentials

A Red Hat® OpenShift® Container Platform project administrator can optionally disable the option to use shared credentials in connections in platform connections, projects, and catalogs.

About this task

When a connection is created with shared credentials, all users access the connection with the same credentials. However, because the credentials are shared, it is difficult to audit access to the connection, to identify the source of data loss, or identify the source of a security breach.

Permissions you need for this task
You must be a Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform project or cluster administrator.
When you need to complete this task
If individual accountability is required, especially by industry-specific regulations that your organization must comply with, it is recommended that you disable shared credentials on the platform.

However, this setting is only applicable if the Cloud Pak for Data common core services are installed. If you can see Data > Platform connections in the navigation, you should determine whether you want to allow the use of shared credentials or whether you want to require each user to provide personal credentials.

If you want to require each user to provide personal credentials, disable the option to use shared credentials.


  1. Log in to your Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform cluster as a user with sufficient permissions to complete the task:
    oc login OpenShift_URL:port
  2. Change to the project where Cloud Pak for Data is installed:
    oc project Project_name
  3. Run the following command to edit the Cloud Pak for Data config-wdp-connect-connection file and change the value of allow-shared-credentials parameter from true to false:
    oc patch ccs ccs-cr --type merge --patch '{"spec": {
    "wdp_connect_connection_allow_shared_credentials": "false"
  4. Wait for the status of the common core services operator to change to Completed. You can check the status by running:
    oc get ccs ccs-cr
  5. Restart the wdp-connect-connection pod to apply the configuration to the environment:
    oc delete po -l app=wdp-connect-connection