Creating an event log

You can use Process Configuration Console to create and manage additional event logs for your application. For example, you might specify one event log in one workflow definition, and another event log in a different workflow definition to distribute the event data and enable an administrator to find items of interest more easily.

About this task

When you create an isolated region, an event log called DefaultEventLog is automatically created for that isolated region. When you create an additional event log, the workflow author, workflow administrator, and application developer typically work together to determine its properties and usage.


To create a new event log:

  1. Select the Event Logs folder and click New on the toolbar.
  2. In the Event log name box, enter the name of the event log.
    Important: The name you enter is a logical name. The workflow system dynamically determines the physical table and index names, to prevent collisions with existing table and index names.
  3. In the Description box, you can optionally enter a brief description of the event log. You can use the description to document the purpose of the event log, or to list any special notes. The description appears in Process Designer.
  4. Click Create.
  5. Select the new event log and click Properties on the toolbar. In the Event Log Properties window, you can further define the event log by creating system fields, data fields, and indexes.
  6. Click OK when done.
  7. Click Commit Changes on the toolbar to apply this change to your isolated region.