Adding Microsoft Azure cloud storage as a backup storage provider

Add Microsoft Azure cloud storage to enable IBM Spectrum Protect Plus to offload data to Microsoft Azure Blob storage.

Before you begin

Ensure that there are cloud storage buckets created for the IBM Spectrum Protect Plus data before you add the cloud storage in the following steps. For information how to create buckets, see Azure documentation.


To add Microsoft Azure cloud storage as backup storage provider, complete the following steps:

  1. In the navigation pane, click System Configuration > Backup Storage > Cloud.
  2. Click Add Cloud.
  3. From the Provider list, select Microsoft Azure Blob Storage.
  4. Complete the fields in the Cloud Registration pane:
    Enter a meaningful name to help identify the cloud storage.
    Select the endpoint of the cloud storage.
    Use existing key
    Enable to select a previously entered key for the storage, and then select the key from the Select a key list.
    If you do not select this option, complete the following fields to add a key:
    Key name
    Enter a meaningful name to help identify the key.
    Storage Account Name
    Enter the Microsoft Azure access storage account name. This is from the Azure Management Portal.
    Storage Account Shared Key
    Enter the Microsoft Azure key from any one of the key fields in the Azure Management Portal, either key1 or key2.
  5. Click Get Buckets, and then select a bucket to serve as the offload target.
  6. Click Register.
    The cloud storage is added to the cloud servers table.

What to do next

After you add the Microsoft Azure storage, complete the following action:
Action How to
Associate the cloud storage with the SLA policy that is used for the backup job. To create an SLA policy, see Creating an SLA policy.

To modify an existing SLA policy, see Editing an SLA policy.