Integrating IBM RPA with Automation Anywhere with IBM Digital Business Automation offerings

IBM® Robotic Process Automation with Automation Anywhere is part of the IBM Digital Business Automation platform, which includes various product offerings that you can use to digitize all aspects of business operations.

The following diagram shows the IBM Digital Business Automation platform offerings:
Offerings in the IBM Digital Business Automation platform
You can use IBM RPA with Automation Anywhere with all these offerings to add digital labor capabilities to free up your employees to focus on higher-value work.
  • IBM RPA with Automation Anywhere task bots and content services. Leverage full content lifecycle and document management capabilities to maximize the value of your enterprise content with IBM Content Foundation. For more information about Content Foundation, see the Content Foundation documentation.
  • IBM RPA with Automation Anywhere task bots and workflows. Orchestrate the activities performed by a combination of people, systems, and bots to improve your business workflows by optimizing core business processes with IBM Business Automation Workflow. For more information about Business Automation Workflow, see the Business Automation Workflow documentation.
  • IBM RPA with Automation Anywhere task bots and data capture. Streamline the capture, recognition and classification of business documents and extract important information with IBM Datacap. For more information about Datacap, see the Datacap documentation.
  • IBM RPA with Automation Anywhere task bots and decisions. Capture, automate and manage business rules to help increase the agility and consistency of business decisions across your organization with IBM Operational Decision Manager. For more information about Operational Decision Manager, see the Operational Decision Manager documentation