Merge files

The Merge files procedure merges the active dataset with another open dataset. The active dataset can be merged with a data file that contains the same variables but different cases, or the same cases but different variables.

Note: Merging datasets creates a new dataset, and does not affects data in the source datasets.

Merging files

  1. From the menus choose:

    Data > Merge files...

  2. Select Add cases or Add variables.
    Add cases
    Select this option when the datasets contain the same variables (columns) but different cases (rows). Adding cases pairs similar variables.
    Add variables
    Select this option when the datasets contain the same cases (rows) but different variables (columns). Adding variables sets common variables as keys.
  3. Select a dataset to merge with the active dataset. You can drag an existing file to the Drag-and-drop dataset file (.sav) here area in the user interface, browse for an existing dataset, or select an open dataset.
  • For more information on merging files by adding cases (rows), see Add cases.
  • For more information on merging files by adding variables (columns), see Add variables.